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11 votes

Is Wikidata up to date with Wikipedia?

The dependency is supposed to be the opposite, i.e. that Wikipedia should rely on data in Wikidata. This is however not fully implemented yet. If you look at the infobox on this cheese in French, all ...
Ainali's user avatar
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5 votes

Is Wikidata up to date with Wikipedia?

Wikidata doesn't automatically use data from Wikipedia. Data from Wikipedia is uploaded to Wikidata by hand or using some more or less automated tools to do batch uploads but ultimately under control ...
Pere's user avatar
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4 votes

Limiting a SPARQL Query to Lastest Point in Time

SELECT ?itemLabel ?population ?date { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q50337; p:P1082 [pq:P585 ?date; ps:P1082 ?population] FILTER NOT EXISTS {?item p:P1082 [pq:P585 ?date_] FILTER (?date_ > ?date)} ...
Stanislav Kralin's user avatar
4 votes

Search in wikidata with specific Q code

In short, URIs are "things, not strings". The filtering condition should be: ?item = <>, or ?item = wd:Q6015113, or ?item = URI("
Stanislav Kralin's user avatar
3 votes

Crosswalk between FIPS codes and Wikipedia articles about U.S. Census Places

Is this something that would be possible with Wikidata? Yes, this is possible: There are the FIPS 55-3 and FIPS 6-4 properties in Wikidata; Wikidata contains information about the so-called ...
Stanislav Kralin's user avatar
3 votes

Info based on page title?

From Wikidata API, you could access the data from Britney Spears entity using the wbgetentities endpoint:
maxlath's user avatar
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3 votes

Wikipedia: How to activate email notification from watchlist?

I haven't tried the mail feature, but I think MediaWiki notifies you when somebody else edits the page. There is no reason to send you a mail when you edit the page yourself - you should already know ...
Pere's user avatar
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3 votes

Wikipedia Article Category

I don't think it's possible to filter articles by topic with a single query in the API. However, you can use Wikidata to detect and filter politics, celebrities and so. You'll need to follow several ...
Pere's user avatar
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3 votes

wikidata: (when) will it be possible to query for wikipedia page links?

(When) will the following be possible: Search in their Phabricator. For a wikipedia page: get the list of all wikipedia links on that page with their respective wikidata IDs in a single query/...
Stanislav Kralin's user avatar
3 votes

Mapping all Wikipedia URLs to Wikidata entity ids

You can also use the OpenRefine reconciliation API, which has an additional feature: it will resolve Wikipedia redirects for you. For instance, say you want to retrieve the Qid corresponding to the ...
pintoch's user avatar
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3 votes

How to get soccer players Wikipedia URL?

To get a long list of soccer players who where born TODAY, ordered by birthdate , youngest first, Go to and enter this query into the big text box: PREFIX rdf: <http://...
knb's user avatar
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2 votes

Get season statistics for NFL players

Free historical data with a simple request: Docs:
Thomas McCabe's user avatar
2 votes

Mapping all Wikipedia URLs to Wikidata entity ids

First, download wikidata json dumps from . Then start reading the json file e.g. using Python's json library and for each entity, find entity['...
Ash's user avatar
  • 121
2 votes

Info based on page title?

For bios, you can also use the Wikipedia Open Search API, which is more simple than Wikidata :
Ettore Rizza's user avatar
2 votes

Various Country Statistics

World Statistics provides the following links: World Bank UN ILO FAO UNICEF Software/services Gapminder Google Public Data Other sources The World Factbook. The World Factbook is in the public ...
Stanislav Kralin's user avatar
2 votes

Wikidata - Search of human instance that doesn't break

I suppose the problem is not that you're not familiar with STRSTARTS, but rather performance. This page contains some introductory remarks. Search in multiple languages If you really want to search ...
Stanislav Kralin's user avatar
2 votes

How to get specific wikipedia data?

Data dumps are at (currently). Article content (source code) is in the pages-articles files (e.g. enwiki-20181201-pages-articles.xml.bz2 is all pages in a ...
Tgr's user avatar
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2 votes

How to get specific wikipedia data?

For the later (categories, pages,...) I recommend using the various dumps that are available from the Wikidata project. The dumps are available at the Wikimedia dumps source. The RDF format is ...
SeDav's user avatar
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2 votes

Wikimedia Commons API image by category

Yes, Wikimedia Commons exposes MediaWiki API. Basically, your query should be the following: ?action=query &list=categorymembers &cmtitle=Category:...
Stanislav Kralin's user avatar
2 votes

What are Outlink categories of Wikipedia

Just get the list of linked articles, get the categories for each and sum up. If you want to do it with the official API in a single request (well, single sequence of requests because the data will be ...
Tgr's user avatar
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2 votes

How do I extract certain articles from Arabic Wiki Dumps?

Here's the main page for Wiki{p,m}edia dumps: and the index of dumps: and for Arabic Wikipedia you'd select "ar" and "...
philshem's user avatar
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2 votes

Wikipedia referenced articles in computer readable format?

The format of the citations on Wikipedia, by and large, follows one of two standard citation models, with the exciting names Citation Style 1 ( and ...
Rich Farmbrough's user avatar
2 votes

How to get "Author" field for Wikimedia Commons audio file

This is absolutely in the output of your query. In the Json output, look in query> pages> 3532106> ImageInfo> 0> extmetadata> Artist> value, and you'll get the following data, ...
J-J-J's user avatar
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1 vote

Query wikipedia links

The query service does not know that your variable ?article means that you want a Wikipedia article. You have to also ask for it in the actual query. One way to do that is to add these lines in the ...
Ainali's user avatar
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1 vote

Non commercial use of nfl team logos from Wikipedia

Ask your lawyer. (Or don't, depending on how serious your project is. No one is going to sue you about a hobby web page showing some logos.) Most logos are copyrighted and the owner has not given ...
Tgr's user avatar
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1 vote

2 category intersection with PetScan not working?

Try the following: — for articles — for subcategories Most likely, you've just forgot to increase value of the "...
Stanislav Kralin's user avatar
1 vote

How can I get data about Wikipedians (e.g. language proficiency), by username?

You can easily create your own, either by scraping the HTML or parsing down the full export/dump. First, get a list of lists Then, loop ...
philshem's user avatar
  • 17.7k
1 vote

Is there any open dataset for named entity linking?

The IITB dataset is quite small compared to the TAC datasets (107 documents) but it is freely available and has higher recall than off-the-shelf Wikipedia pages. It can be downloaded at https://www....
pintoch's user avatar
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1 vote

Various Country Statistics

If the information is already available on Wikipedia then it may be part of For Europe you could use
Jon Nicholson's user avatar

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