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4 votes

Is it possible to download worldometer COVID-19 country data?

I don't think it is possible (from a read of faq, about) there seems to be no way to download data. Have a look at alternative data sources in another question, but of these I would use the Johns ...
Marcus D's user avatar
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4 votes

How can I work with a 4GB csv file?

I recently had to parse the 6GB NPPES file and here is how I did it: $ wget $ unzip $ split ...
Andrei Sura's user avatar
4 votes

How can I work with a 4GB csv file?

I am a big fan of tad which crunches these kind of files easily.
Steven's user avatar
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3 votes

Trying to link ZIP code to core-based statistical area

I think that you can get what you want from two resources: The R package noncensus contains a data set called zip_codes that lists the following features for each zip code: zip. U.S. ZIP (postal) ...
G5W's user avatar
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Master Song Database containing popular titles and artists

If you're looking for some other options, I suggest checking out the Wikipedia page on this topic. You can find it at the link below: List of online music databases I have not used them all, but ...
Lisa Beck's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I work with a 4GB csv file?

You can try nitroproc. It's currently a beta version I think, but allows to sort/summarize/filter/etc. It's free.
bob's user avatar
  • 21
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Is there a set of data points available to draw an outline of the coast of the British Isles?

The European Environment Agency hosts shape files of European countries. The British Isles: This ...
Swier's user avatar
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Is there a set of data points available to draw an outline of the coast of the British Isles?

Check OpenStreetMaps Overpass API, which is geared at data consumers. The outline of British Isles is definitely available in OSM. It boils down to how to extract it from the database. After some ...
Grimaldi's user avatar
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2 votes

Is it possible to download worldometer COVID-19 country data?

to clear philshem's comment up for the non-programmers, here's what to do: Right click anywhere and open inspect element. Then click the search button at the top right and with the top search bar (not ...
Oscar's user avatar
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1 vote

Where to download annual data for heating and cooling degree days for US counties not one-by-one, but all at the same time

One option would be to use Python or Bash to write a script that will construct the csv data for you based on these two websites:
SuperKogito's user avatar
1 vote

How are the Human Rights Data Analysis Group (HRDAG) data delimited?

It is a tab-delimited file. You can read it in with the the readr package. For instance: readr::read_delim( '/Path-to-Folder/SL-TRC-data.csv', delim = '\t')
Kotebiya's user avatar
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Time zones and country ISO codes

There is IANA tzdb with a list of all timezones. It's quite complex and changing since timezones change too, for example in Russia timezones changed several times during the last 20 years.
Ivan Begtin's user avatar
1 vote

Get list of all villages/towns in India

Yo can get all the required data from official website The data seems to be divided into state level, so maybe you will have to download ~31 csvs'. They have csv, ods, etc. they also ...
Itachi's user avatar
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How can I flter data from a stream of very large text files?

Have you looked at AWS Athena yet? It doesn't require any additional storage (besides the existing S3 bucket) and you can query the data (all of it) whenever you want - for example if your query ...
philarmour's user avatar
1 vote

Sensor data trains dataset

Not sure if this dataset matches your requirements completely. At least it reads as a dataset from a German logistics company having sensors mounted on shipping containers. The description is in ...
ulrich's user avatar
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Trying to link ZIP code to core-based statistical area This has what you need. CBSA to Zip Code mapping.
user22733's user avatar
1 vote

Trying to link ZIP code to core-based statistical area

The LEHD program of the Census Bureau publishes crosswalks which map every Census Block to a number of other geography types, including ZCTA and CBSA. You could download one of these crosswalks, ...
Joe Germuska's user avatar
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Applying filters to headers in a huge CSV file

I'd suggest you look at TextQ (disclaimer - I'm its developer). It can import a big CSV file and allows you to manage its schema/structure: parse date and numbers in various formats; rename or hide ...
Geo Systems's user avatar
1 vote

How can I work with a 4GB csv file?

I've had good luck in R (without resorting to fancy packages) of reading CSVs up to and beyond that size. The nice thing about getting it in RAM, if you can swing it, is very fast manipulation.
Mike Dolan Fliss's user avatar

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