(When) will the following be possible:
Search in their Phabricator.
For a wikipedia page: get the list of all wikipedia links on that page
with their respective wikidata IDs in a single query/API call.
To some extent, it is possible right now. There are two ways.
PREFIX mw: <http://tools.wmflabs.org/mw2sparql/ontology#>
SELECT ?link_to ?wikidata_item WHERE {
hint:Query hint:optimizer "None"
VALUES (?link_from) {(<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SPARQL>)}
SERVICE <http://tools.wmflabs.org/mw2sparql/sparql> {
?link_from mw:internalLinkTo ?link_to .
?link_to schema:about ?wikidata_item .
Try it!
See also:
SELECT DISTINCT ?link_to ?wikidata_item ?page_title WHERE {
VALUES (?link_from) {(<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SPARQL>)}
?link_from schema:name ?title .
SERVICE wikibase:mwapi {
bd:serviceParam wikibase:endpoint "en.wikipedia.org" ;
wikibase:api "Generator" ;
mwapi:generator "links" ;
mwapi:titles ?title ;
mwapi:inprop "url" ;
mwapi:redirects "true" .
?link_to wikibase:apiOutputURI "@fullurl" .
?wikidata_item wikibase:apiOutputItem mwapi:item .
?page_title wikibase:apiOutput mwapi:title .
Try it!
See also:
Receive additional information of the respective wikidata items like a
property value with the query.
Add regular SPARQL to the above queries, e. g.
FILTER (bound(?wikidata_item))
OPTIONAL {?wikidata_item wdt:P1482 ?stackexchange_tag}