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5 votes

Twitter open datasets

Check out these links below, and you can also search "twitter" in for other related data. There's quite a few users who are already aggregating this data and creating analyses and cool ...'s user avatar
4 votes

Paraphrase data sets

Google recently released paraphrase dataset: Paraphrase Adversaries from Word Scrambling (PAWS). This dataset is superior to many paraphrase datasets....
Proton Boss's user avatar
4 votes

Where can I find a dataset containing legal documents?

CFPB Credit Card Agreements DB I think that is a service contract. docracy - open source legal contracts Requires sign up
albert's user avatar
  • 11.9k
4 votes

Semantic dictionary of English language

Eurovoc is a large semantic "Multilingual Thesaurus of the European Union"
MickyInTheSky's user avatar
3 votes

Where can I find a dataset containing legal documents?

This dataset contains labeled and unlabeled legal contracts for contract element extraction. The labeled dataset POS tags as well as annotations for different contract elements. You can refer to the ...
Alok Ranjan's user avatar
3 votes

Where can I find machine readable transcribed text of the 2016 Presidential speeches and debates?

The GitHub repo 2016-campaign contains campaign speeches given by Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign. [and] the text of the three presidential debates, separated ...
philshem's user avatar
  • 17.6k
3 votes

Reddit comments labeled data-set for sentiment analysis?

Reddit Comment Dataset Including Sentiment Data
albert's user avatar
  • 11.9k
3 votes

Datasets: Is there any public data-set for FAQ (Frequently asked questions) in different domains?

What about StackOverflow's own dataset?
robinvdvleuten's user avatar
3 votes

Twitter open datasets

Here is a dataset of relative word frequency for the top 10,000 words in 890 million Tweets, divided by county:
wirefire's user avatar
  • 351
3 votes

Tool to extract the main concepts/topics from web pages

Thanks Tasos for your very helpful DBpedia Spotlight Python code sample above. However, converting it from Python 2 to Python 3+ wasn't entirely straightforward so thought I'd post the revised version....
neilb's user avatar
  • 31
3 votes

Data sets for short text classification

The following repository contains 20000 questions from StackOverflow. . The data is provided by Kaggle. There are true labels as well. So you can evaluate the ...
user15259's user avatar
3 votes

Paraphrase data sets

You can also check out the Quora Question Pairs Dataset which was used in the recent Kaggle competetition.
Amir's user avatar
  • 173
3 votes

ASCII Character Frequency Analysis

I wrote some code to analyse the reuters21578 corpus (thanks @philshem for pointing me to it)! You can find the results here - ascii_freq.txt or ascii_freq.json. The code used to generate them can be ...
PiersyP's user avatar
  • 131
3 votes

Dataset listing datasets for natural language processing

Such a list requires someone to maintain it. This one lists corpora and adds some info, covering some if not all of your criteria (in natural language): Corpora, Collections, Data Archives
Tom Anderson's user avatar
3 votes

Dataset of documents and user libraries

While you may not have access to the Mendeley DataTEL dataset, have you considered other open datasets? Netflix has an open API that provides a very similar set of information that I think might fit ...
shadow_dev's user avatar
3 votes

Where can I find data set of tweets of users?

It's against Twitter's policy to provide datasets of more than user and tweet IDs. However, as lots of people are tweeting every day, you can construct your own dataset using the twitter api: https://...
Swier's user avatar
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3 votes

Is there any open data-set for sentence segmentation?

Some Corpora in the NLTK have a method sents() that returns each sentence as a list of words, for example the Brown corpus: import nltk # this opens a GUI to download all corpora ...
Suzana's user avatar
  • 406
3 votes

Is there any open data-set for sentence segmentation?

The British National Corpus, "a 100 million word collection of samples of written and spoken language from a wide range of sources", is free of charge and segmented, but i never used it.
Ettore Rizza's user avatar
3 votes

Speech recognition english corpuses

List: (mirror) List: Corpus:
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
3 votes

Where can I find pdf of articles in French, their titles and abstracts/summaries?

There's the HAL scientific open archive, which has a lot of content in French and various other languages. As far as I know, they don't offer a dump of their data, but they do have an API that you can ...
J-J-J's user avatar
  • 345
2 votes

Non-ASCII Unicode symbols with their word equivalents

W3C Character Reference Chart has this and also HTML/hexadecimal equivalents. Should be an easy scrape, or a not very tedious manual job.
albert's user avatar
  • 11.9k
2 votes

Where to find medical related data?

As I already answered on a later question, a list of Medical Imaging datasets can be found on the medical-imaging-datasets repository. Also, it could be interesting to follow both Stephen R. Aylward's ...
Francisco Maria Calisto's user avatar
2 votes

Dataset of shell commands with corresponding sentences

apropos command will get you part of the way there. apropos find spits out all commands named find or with find in the short description. You can start to hack away from there.
Hans Nelsen's user avatar
2 votes

Actual text and corrected text? Or autocorrect data?

OK, this one is a stretch... but instead of comparing text with errors to the corrected text, you can compare original text against incorrect transcriptions. Reuters Transcribed Subset and data set ...
philshem's user avatar
  • 17.6k
2 votes

Where can I find machine readable transcribed text of the 2016 Presidential speeches and debates?

Text from the speeches are available at the UCSB Presidency website Text from the debates available as well.
john mangual's user avatar
2 votes

English queries to GIS systems

I would be surprised if such a set of exact phrases exist, you will probably need to stitch together words and phrases, like How many, where is the, historic sites, are in etc. You might start by ...
nmtoken's user avatar
  • 566
2 votes

Accessible source of social network chat data

I've found the below link to some conversational data sources, may not be facebook, whatsapp etc but should do.
dcudonk's user avatar
  • 46
2 votes

Corpus of English text with tagged locations

There are 1,108,558 English Wikipedia articles that have location information. Location information is specified by Template:Coord in Wikipedia and can be easily extracted from the text. I guess ...
Taha's user avatar
  • 90

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