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5 votes

Video game dataset

Giant Bomb (API info) is probably going to be your best bet. They have a very large database of games, and they keep track of details like release date, genre, platforms, publishers, franchises, ...
Hayden Schiff's user avatar
3 votes

Searching for a dataset about chess ELO rating distribution broken down by gender

I'm posting here the results of my analysis so far. If this is not an appropriate place for this, let me know. The actual answer to my question is here, where you can find a very large database of ...
KBriggs's user avatar
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3 votes

Searching for a dataset about chess ELO rating distribution broken down by gender

FIDE rating lists are available to download on this page. The standard rating list contains both rating and sex information. Your hypothesis is interesting, but it seems not very easy to test it, ...
Stanislav Kralin's user avatar
3 votes

Is there a source for various Scrabble dictionaries?

I found another source, halfway hidden, with roughly 180k English words (archived link) and based on: Tournament Word List (TWL06) TWL - the American dictionary, ...
philshem's user avatar
  • 17.7k
3 votes

Is there a source for various Scrabble dictionaries?

Another wordlist, Collins Scrabble Words, CSW15, is available as a txt file: archive:
philshem's user avatar
  • 17.7k
2 votes

Database of Ingress portals

Disclaimer: The Ingress Terms of Service disallows "extracting, scraping, or indexing" game data. It's possible to get banned if you use this data. I had the same question and found an answer. A ...
intgr's user avatar
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2 votes

Video game dataset

Wikidata is the only place with open data about games. The other sites have APIs for their closed data that have many restrictions and may not be viable if you need data about all existing games. ...
Renato Dinhani's user avatar
1 vote

Chess PGN with time control

For example: 43rd World Chess Olympiad 2018 (September 23 - October 6): 5000+ games Women's World Chess Championship Tournament 2018 (November 2 - 23): ~140 games Women's World Chess Championship ...
Stanislav Kralin's user avatar
1 vote

How can I get salary data on the gamer population in the US and/or Europe?

If you are doing legitimate market research, you should expect to pay for this data based on the value it provides to your business planning. You are unlikely to find this data given away for free, ...
Joe Germuska's user avatar
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1 vote

Is there a source for various Scrabble dictionaries?

This Scrabble dictionary shows you the validity of a word in real-time as you plug it in. I also like this site b/c they have 2 million words (and counting) in their database and let you vote and ...
Emily Shine's user avatar

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