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3 votes

Is Open Government data ever restricted to use within the country of origin?

Yes - see NASA's software for an example. The release type determines who can have a NASA software code. If you meet the access criteria for the code (as defined below), NASA can transfer the ...
APH's user avatar
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3 votes

Where can I find a dataset containing legal documents?

This dataset contains labeled and unlabeled legal contracts for contract element extraction. The labeled dataset POS tags as well as annotations for different contract elements. You can refer to the ...
Alok Ranjan's user avatar
3 votes

Looking for datasets of complaints/requests filed at municipalities or cities

US City Open Data Census results for Service Requests should have what you need. And there's always Open 311, though I'm pretty sure its implementers will overlap with the census results. There is ...
albert's user avatar
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3 votes

Does this violate copyright of music/lyrics/sound?

As long as you don't keep the song anywhere on your servers, and have clear warnings "Do not transform songs that you are not allowed to transform", I believe you don't risk that much. You are just an ...
Nicolas Raoul's user avatar
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The "right to mine" and scraping the web in EU

The article in the LSE blog you have pointed out seems to be a good overview, the problems seem to be not only UK specific: Even with some legal barriers now removed, technical barriers remain ...
2 votes

Collecting data on private rooftop characteristics?

In Australia, a federal government agency (PSMA) has created a for-cost dataset called Geoscape that calculates information on private rooftops: specifically roof heights and materials. I wanted to ...
Anthony Joseph's user avatar
2 votes

Types of license for OpenData

In the OpenDefinition site which is part of the OpenKnowledge Foundation, there is a list of licenses that can be considered as OpenData, and it indicates in which cases it should be used: http://...
AngocA's user avatar
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Is there an API to get the legality of alcohol (or legal drinking age) by geo location?

One option is to use a Github repo (fork your own) that other users can contribute to, which will help keep it up to date. Although ...
philshem's user avatar
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2 votes

Contact information (including email) for all US state legislators

Open States has all of this information. Here's contact information, including email for one of my senators. You could scrape them or use their API.
albert's user avatar
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1 vote

Reasons for incarceration in the United States has such stats, shown as the Mass Incarceration: The Whole Pie 2022: Data source:
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
1 vote

List of Codified Laws from Around the World in Structured Format?

I don't know much but am wondering the same thing. Here are some resources to start, from the Library of Congress (copied for reference): Free American State Papers, 1789-1838 (Contains the ...
Lance Pollard's user avatar
1 vote

Can I put open source data on a public github repo?

If you are generating the data then there is presumably no legal issue at all. Please add a license to the repo so that people know how they can (re)use the data and code! If you are hosting data ...
philshem's user avatar
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1 vote

mimic iii: could a pretrained word2vec be made available?

I trained word embeddings based on mimic, e.g. for and, but publicly releasing them would go against the agreement one signs when ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
1 vote

Types of license for OpenData

The datasets published in Zenodo I recently looked at had CC licenses. Here is a search for all open datasets in Zenodo. When you search in re3data (repository of research data repositories) and try ...
FuzzyLeapfrog's user avatar
1 vote

Is it legal to make an open face recognition database of public people like celebrities?

Disclaimer: I'm not a lawyer and don't live in Germany. I know of 2 possible legal issues with this (there might be more): Bildrechte (or photograph rights). This says something along the lines that ...
Swier's user avatar
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Where can I find a dataset containing legal documents?

CUAD: An Expert-Annotated NLP Dataset for Legal Contract Review -
Divya Chhipani's user avatar

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