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Questions tagged [games]

For questions about data related to an activity that one engages in for amusement or fun. Game is a physical or mental competition conducted according to rules with the participants in direct opposition to each other.

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0 answers

Looking for a data list/file/website of the USA Lucky Lottery Retail Locations and historical lucky retailers?

I am looking for a website, data file, list, or something similar of the "lucky" lottery retail locations. Specifically for the Powerball and MegaMillions lottery tickets. Hopefully listing ...
MLB's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

How to get a computer-parseable (JSON preferably) feed of all new video game releases?

MobyGames has a "begware" API where you have to contact them and ask for access. GameFAQs actively blocks scraper bots and appear to have no API whatsoever, and if they do, they probably ...
D. C.'s user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

Looking for Ratings in a female dominated game by gender

I have examined the male to female average rating difference in chess To determine if women are inherently worse at chess (on average) or if there is just a selective bias against them, I would now ...
Tim Hermes's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Unofficial Metacritic API — Chicken Coop

My team and I are building a website about video games that has affiliate links in it. My question is about the Chicken Coop API key provided by rapidapi (
Delicious Bacon's user avatar
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Where can accurate information on the release dates of all video game consoles, peripherals and games were released be grabbed?

I've long wanted to compile a private "timeline" consisting of various video game consoles, peripherals and games which I want to remember and quickly be able to look up when they were released. I ...
Erlon Stolen's user avatar
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Freemium video game data for churn analysis

I'm looking for video game player analytics data, ideally from a game with the "Freemium" payment model, in order to predict player churn. This analysis would benefit from features such as: Date of ...
Adam Ribaudo's user avatar
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Source of telemetry data from games

I'm building model to predict behaviours of players. I'm looking for external source of telemetry data from games. Have you any idea where can I get this kind of data from?
CezarySzulc's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Chess PGN with time control

I'm looking for PGN that has time control containing all FIDE classical chess games. If that cannot be found then I would like PGN of FIDE classical games for high rated players that have time ...
Lynob's user avatar
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2 answers

Just need a lo-res & 8-bit depth elevation map either real or fictional (BMP?)

I am a software developer working on a strategy game in my spare time as a hobby. I still have very little knowledge of and experience with Geographic Information Systems and the different file ...
Fedor Alexander Steeman's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Searching for a dataset about chess ELO rating distribution broken down by gender

A friend and I had a friendly argument recently about the origin of the apparent gender gap in chess ratings, wherein the grandmaster list is dominated by males, and the best male player today is far ...
KBriggs's user avatar
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Sudoku puzzles of different sizes

Does anyone know where I can download already generated Sudoku puzzles of different sizes, even greater than 16x16? The format where they are saved it's not important provided I can parse them ...
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1 answer

How can I get salary data on the gamer population in the US and/or Europe?

I am trying to conduct a study on the gaming population in the world for market research purposes. I want to know what the average % of income is spent on gaming (hard/soft ware). Are there any ...
grldsndrs's user avatar
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3 votes
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Mobile games demographic data

I'm looking for demographic data for mobile games. I've looked at App Annie, SensorTower, and Apptrace. These three sources give estimates on the app store ratings, number of downloads, and rankings ...
whr2206's user avatar
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"Animals!" decision tree dataset

I think most of you remember that old game, called "Animals!", which is a binary decision tree (y/n) that stores animals and questions. e.g.
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2 votes
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Number of possible actions the player may take in each ATARI arcade game

I am looking for a dataset containing: the list of ATARI arcade games the number of possible actions the player may take in each game (e.g., 4) Ideally: the name of each action (e.g., press left)
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Open datasets of lottery winning numbers

I saw only paid feeds for lotteries games. Also would be great to get dataset of virtual betting games
SpanishBoy's user avatar
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Games for education [closed]

I'm searching an Open Data (free code) for Education Games, like Puzzle. Actually, I need a game that presents the context information and which is the educative game for the children. I would like to ...
B.Mulaj's user avatar
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0 answers

Is the FIFA 16 Ultimate Team database available anywhere?

I know there's already websites such as Futhead that can act as a database. However, I'm looking for something (preferrably a single file) that can actually be parsed, as I'm looking to make my own ...
Cal7's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Database of Ingress portals

Ingress is a game where users contribute "portals". Each portal has: Coordinates Name, for instance "Eiffel Tower" Picture Is there a database of all portals, or an API to find portals at least in ...
Nicolas Raoul's user avatar
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4 votes
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Datasets of detailed statistics from MMORPGs

Are there any datasets of MMORPG statistics? I mean detailed "snapshots" of a virtual world that contain parameters of the game, current status of players (items owned, performed actions), internal ...
Anton Tarasenko's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Video game dataset

I am looking for a video games listing with as many following fields as possible: date of release platform(s) (e.g. PlayStation 1, Windows 7) genre (e.g. RTS, racing, FPS) location(s) where the game ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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Database of all Ingress sentences

The Ingress game uses a limited set of human-generated sentences made from the Ingress vocabulary, which contains about a hundred words. Exemple of sentences: "XM Die Chaos Live" "Portal Have Truth ...
Nicolas Raoul's user avatar
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Flashcards to remember all Ingress glyphs

Ingress glyph hack is a mini-game where you have to remember a number of patterns. The patterns are shown very quickly, and then you have to redraw them. Example of a pattern: There are not that many ...
Nicolas Raoul's user avatar
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7 votes
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Pokerstars hands database

Is there some open data of hands history? I'm searching for data that can help me improve my skills about players behavior and strategies. It can be free or paid sources.
Filipe Ferminiano's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Video game meta-data (supplement for Steam API)

Steam offers a REST-like API (details here and here) enabling a registered developer to obtain informations on its users (games owned, time passed on each...). However, I didn't find useful ...
merours's user avatar
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7 votes
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Dataset of crosswords

I'm looking for a dataset containing crossword grids along with their clues and their solution, preferably in English or French. If possible crossword grids would be rated on some difficulty scale and ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Are there any open datasets of board games that allow commercial usage?

I'd like to start working on a web application that relates to board games and eventually off of it. I'd like to know if there are any data sets out there that will fit this scenario. I've found that ...
smont's user avatar
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12 votes
5 answers

Is there a source for various Scrabble dictionaries?

There are some individually maintained lists for some Scrabble dictionaries, and some websites for looking up words in those dictionaries: SOWPODS list:
Cat's user avatar
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