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Seeking UK School performance data

School performance data is collected by the Department for Education (DfE) and can be accessed via the web site - The types of data available (for ...
Ian Turton's user avatar
3 votes

Where can I find subtitled recordings of university courses?

Any video on YouTube that has captions can be used, although you'll (probably) have to find a way to avoid auto-generated captions. For example, from MIT (with friendly CC license). You can use open ...
philshem's user avatar
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3 votes

Is there an open database of elementary, middle, and high schools in the United States?

Unfortunately, the key links in the popular answers for this question are all currently broken. It is still true, as David H answered, that the Common Core of Data is the official source, but the ...
Joe Germuska's user avatar
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Is public information obtained through FOIA an example of Open Data?

Data obtained through FOIA is open data. Before it was attained, I would argue that it is not, as it was not being released. Data previously published on a government website was and still is in ...
albert's user avatar
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Where can I find dataset for University acceptance rate for college athletes?

Possible options: Student-Athlete Experiences Data Archive Stanford University Common Data Sets (CDS) This article has data for PAC-10: Comparing the Acceptance Rates of Athletes to the General ...
albert's user avatar
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Seeking US public school serving area boundaries

There is a way...but its not a silver bullet; very time intensive and may require learning new skillsets. You can search through data portals and collect them along the way: Here's a search on data....
albert's user avatar
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Schools in Canada

If you are by any chances affiliated to a Canadian university you get free access to DMTI POI data that includes public schools and universities. All of this is located in the Scholar GeoPortal ...
rolo's user avatar
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Public School Teacher Dataset

This is a public record in every state I've ever worked. You're likely to have to go state-by-state to collect it. File a public records request with the state's department of education or ...
Aidian Holder's user avatar
2 votes

Dataset about attainment of college degree based on parent's education level?

I believe the General Social Survey (GSS) has this. And there are the longitudinal education surveys that have been launched every few years for decades: Baccalaureate & Beyond, Beginning ...
Mike Tamada's user avatar
2 votes

Missing College Scorecard data for Navy, Army, Air Force

College Scorecard data are currently limited to institutions that participate in Title-IV federal financial aid programs. As the U.S. service academies do not participate in Title-IV, the data needed ...
Scorecard Help Desk's user avatar
2 votes

Books and Supplies

That data element is not available in Scorecard. However, it is available from IPEDS ( which is where the other Scorecard cost metrics come from. The books and supplies ...
Scorecard_HelpDesk's user avatar
1 vote

List of US Universities And Colleges

I believe almost all universities and colleges are in Wikidata, so you can query it: SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE { { ?item p:P31/ps:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q3918. # University or subclass ...
Nicolas Raoul's user avatar
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Seeking UK School performance data

Someone has already done some of the hard work for you. MyEd is a small business that combines open data about educational performance, environmental data and some user generated data to provide ...
moncheery's user avatar
  • 121
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Where can I find a data set on the federal student loan debt since at least 1965?

check this: The National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) is the national database of information about loans and grants awarded to students under Title IV of the Higher Education Act (HEA) of ...
Mokhtar's user avatar
  • 31
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public Normally-distributed data for teaching intro Stats

You can find the best publicly available datasets on Kaggle with kernels/notebooks for references. This is the best place to find the relevant data for your teaching. Need to signup to download the ...
Orophile's user avatar
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How to find the variable in javascript which gives the positions of the competitors on the site sapsailing?

The data is loaded from an RPC endpoint. Here's an example for the page you linked. curl '' \ -H 'Content-Type: ...
fgregg's user avatar
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College Scorecard: determining how representative data is of the overall undergraduate body

Thanks for submitting your questions. I forwarded your questions to our helpdesk and received the following responses. I hope you find them helpful. What is the best way to determine the concrete ...
brownpl's user avatar
  • 108
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Are 6-digit CIP codes available with associated Schools for College Score Card

Although I am unaware of any existing list, it certainly is possible to create one using the IPEDS Use The Data tool ( which allows for the downloading of the ...
Scorecard_HelpDesk's user avatar
1 vote

French/English word database for a hangman game

In this case, I'd suggest using the flashcards from an Anki deck. Here's a list of French decks: You can convert the deck to txt/csv with these steps: https:/...
philshem's user avatar
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Downloadable list of all majors across U.S. schools/colleges?

For a really broad answer, you can use Wikidata via a Sparql query on the property "Academic Major". From my quick query, I think the data would need to be cleaned up a bit, and also made specific to ...
philshem's user avatar
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Data for teaching: Representative simple random sample in educational research

Since you go with statistical analysis, I recommend the R-Datasets. They are usually small and statistically interesting: ...
Rick's user avatar
  • 181
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Public School Teacher Dataset

I couldn't find one nationally, but it seems like you ought to dig in by state. For instance, there appears to be school directory data for the state of Oregon, and in Portland, there also seems to be ...
JellisHeRo's user avatar
1 vote

Derived variable origin

It's the type of degree that makes up a larger percentage than any other. From the documentation: Predominant undergraduate degree (PREDDEG) identifies the type of degree that the institution ...
fgregg's user avatar
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Level of education required for employment over time

You may want to look at the US Occupational Employment Statistics historical data. That data allowed for the creation of this chart: The original chart is available as a BLS publication. ...
Christopher Klaus's user avatar
1 vote

School Closing Due to Snow or Bad Weather

You may want to read my past question I posted here... Snow days per county per monthly in US specifically in Colorado? See if that helps yours. I am not sure for the whole country's school ...
PROBERT's user avatar
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International Education Spending

Here are some databases on Quandl that show government expenditures on education when I searched for "expenditure education" within each database: World Bank Africa Development Indicators: https://...
user37317's user avatar
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International Education Spending

The question on "spending money on eductaion" might have an answer here: There are links for Europe and ...
knb's user avatar
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Has any MOOC (Coursera, edX, Udacity or others) publicly released some of their student data?

I come after the storm but: Yu, J., Luo, G., Xiao, T., Zhong, Q., Wang, Y., Feng, W., ... & Tang, J. (2020, July). MOOCCube: a large-scale data repository for NLP applications in MOOCs. In ...
Jill-Jênn Vie's user avatar
1 vote

PhD for open data in Europe

I found a portal that lists PhD topics, coincidentally called "find a phd" returns these 3 PhD programs (2019-03-12): University of East ...
philshem's user avatar
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