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6 votes

Where can I find a list of latin words?

You can get 8600 Latin words from Latin wikitionary or 879.898 Latin words from English wiktionary using PetScan. You can change output to csv or tsv in the "Output" tab.
Pere's user avatar
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5 votes

Where can I find a list of latin words?

I haven't found any ready lists with just Latin words in txt format, but you can parse these lists to extract the Latin words from them: Dickinson College: LATIN CORE VOCABULARY. Terms of use: "(...)...
Tsundoku's user avatar
  • 229
5 votes

Swedish Noun Gender List

Probably the Swedish Academian Wordlist (SAOL) is the most authoritative source in this field. There exists SAOL for Android, the .obb expansion file is a regular SQLite database. This list was ...
Stanislav Kralin's user avatar
3 votes

English to Telugu and Telugu to English dictionary database

How about Wiktionary? Bulk downloads are available:
philshem's user avatar
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3 votes

Is there a source for various Scrabble dictionaries?

I found another source, halfway hidden, with roughly 180k English words (archived link) and based on: Tournament Word List (TWL06) TWL - the American dictionary, ...
philshem's user avatar
  • 17.7k
3 votes

Is there a source for various Scrabble dictionaries?

Another wordlist, Collins Scrabble Words, CSW15, is available as a txt file: archive:
philshem's user avatar
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2 votes

German - English dictionary

This question is 8 years old but as i couldn't find an straight forward answer in 2022 I'm sharing it here. Wiktionary is the best resource for both monolingual and bilingual dictionaries in terms of ...
Pooya Estakhri's user avatar
2 votes

Wordnet for other languages

There is also BabelNet. BabelNet is both a multilingual encyclopedic dictionary, with lexicographic and encyclopedic coverage of terms, and a semantic network which connects concepts and named ...
Stanislav Kralin's user avatar
2 votes

Wordnet for other languages

You can get Wordnet for many languages at GlobalWordnet
G5W's user avatar
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2 votes

Swedish Noun Gender List has downloadable dictionaries You can choose either English (EN) to Swedish (SV) or from German (DE) to SV, and the opposite direction. ...
philshem's user avatar
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2 votes

Is there a dictionary containing Arabic first and names and their English equivalent?

It seems there are some commercial databases, but if you are brave and don't need an exhaustive list for 100% coverage, you could use Wikipedia articles for Arabic people top level : ...
philshem's user avatar
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2 votes

French word list?

If you really just need all possible spellings, then I would suggest downloading Google N-Grams for N=1 (single words). These are individual words/strings coming from books in the French language. You ...
philshem's user avatar
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1 vote

Online Dictionary for Scraping

i found a website with 10,000 words that I'm using for my project. mabey this will work?
hayden misiura's user avatar
1 vote

Online Dictionary for Scraping

You can use data from Wiktionary. Wikimedia provides data dumps for all its websites here (ctrl+f "wiktionary"), that way you don't have to scrape. Although the dumps seem to be regular, if you want ...
Peeyush Kushwaha's user avatar
1 vote

A file of all Korean language words?

There exists a JSON dump of the Korean entries of the English Wiktionary: There are also the extracted Korean entries of other Wiktionaries here: https:/...
Pux's user avatar
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Russian Dictionary that contains stress marks

I searched some more and found so far the best data set, OpenRussian: It contains a lot of data, but as far as I could tell not as much as the Russian Wiktionary....
Pux's user avatar
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1 vote

How do I find a list of all dictionaries available as XDXF?

I went through the old Wikipedia edits and found and old link that’s dead: but that page was archived on ...
philshem's user avatar
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1 vote

German nouns gender source

The German language has 3 genders for nouns: Masculine, Feminine, Neutral. Unlike English which has one article "The", German has many articles change based on the grammatical case. ...
Orophile's user avatar
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French word list?

I'm no expert on this topic, but I believe that I have suggestion to make. Start with the wiktionary word frequency list that is "not as complete as you would like," because it is still your best ...
Tom Au's user avatar
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1 vote

Download OpenOffice/Hunspell dictionaries (.oxt / .dic+.aff) for many languages at once?

This site has the dictionaries.
djnavas's user avatar
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1 vote

Corpus of words divided by language

Consider wikidata. Wikidata is a site that linked all different articles from different wikipedia together, as such article name of these wikipedia articles would form a list of word for each language ...
user930067's user avatar
1 vote

Is there a source for various Scrabble dictionaries?

This Scrabble dictionary shows you the validity of a word in real-time as you plug it in. I also like this site b/c they have 2 million words (and counting) in their database and let you vote and ...
Emily Shine's user avatar
1 vote

Cynthia Wessell's Dictionary of Affect

A new source of the DAL seems to be online PDF Readme: and the dictionary (txt format) http://www.cs.columbia....
philshem's user avatar
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1 vote

German - English dictionary

The parsed Wiktionary under in JSON (lines) is also very easy to use and contains a lot of data.
Pux's user avatar
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1 vote

German - English dictionary

there is many dictionaries database of all languages you need in 1 - choose an application of dictionary you need 2 - download the file APK on your disk 3 - rename the APK ...
user14508's user avatar
1 vote

Stemming of long English text

You can also check out the algorithm used on that finds word possibilities from letters.
Stevie Ray's user avatar

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