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5 votes

Seeking 20th Century railroad ( 1900s to Today ) GIS data

Railroads and the Making of Modern America has links to the following downloadable historical US railroad data. I didn't investigate the actual geospatial extent of these railroad datasets, so I can't ...
csk's user avatar
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4 votes

Very coarse spatial resolution (>1000m) global digital elevation raster data

The easiest way would be using R and download prepared set like: r <- geodata::elevation_global(res = 10, path = "data") r #> class : SpatRaster #> dimensions : 1080, 2160, ...
4 votes

How to produce a list of all words of a given Language from Wiktionary?

Working with the full Wiktionary dump is hard, so I recommend using data sources which extract the parts you are interested in and present them in an easier to digest format. Wiktextract looks like a ...
Karl Bartel's user avatar
3 votes

Bulk download Sci-Hub papers using a list of URLs

You can bulk download/automate Sci-Hub files with a list of URLs using wget and a list of URLs (one per line) in a text file. In the following example, I have a text file (list.txt) that looks like ...
albert's user avatar
  • 11.9k
3 votes

MIDI files on

The UCI Machine Learning repository has 1 and 2 music datasets for analysis.
shadow_dev's user avatar
2 votes

Download CKAN Revisions

In this case, 2538d7f1-391b-4733-90b3-9e95cd5f3ea6 is a resource ID, not a revision ID. In CKAN, package(dataset) contains multiple resources and each of resources contain either actual data(file) or ...
Tony Dex's user avatar
2 votes

Seeking GIS datasets that has the degree, minutes and seconds world longitude and latitude

I'm not aware of any such existing datasets, but you can make your own layer in either QGIS or Arc. Search for "create fishnets" in GIS Stack Exchange. BTW, a worldwide layer at your granularity ...
Stu Smith's user avatar
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2 votes

Exporting data from

Thanks to everyone who gave it a try, both those who confirmed the problem, and those who have been more successful. I have tried it this morning from home (as opposed to work, again in Belgium), and ...
Martin Van der Linden's user avatar
2 votes

How can I download AWS Public Datasets?

I'll take the example of Note the snapshot ID of the data set you plan to download. As indicated on
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
2 votes

Most famous list of the rich: Where to find Forbes 400 lists (1982 to 1990). Are they all lost?

Since you have the records that are later than 1990, I will only post those from 1982-1989 here. Sadly I couldn't find any records for the year 1984. I guess your best attempt would be to find some ...
SuperKogito's user avatar
1 vote

2021 LSOA shapefile for London

That page only includes the names and codes for the zones, to be honest I can't think why anyone would want just those. You want the boundaries for the zones which can be found at
Ian Turton's user avatar
1 vote

London's cooling center locations in GIS format

I may have found some GeoJSON files inspecting network connections: Parks with hot weather amenities Drinking water fountains Tier 1 cool spaces Tier 2 cool spaces
dimfalk's user avatar
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1 vote

Wikimedia: Delta-Dumps or Timestamp of Last Change

There are two ways to generate a list of last-revision data for all pages. The preferable tool is probably the second one listed here, PetScan. The first is to use the Wikimedia Quarry SQL service (...
Andrew is gone's user avatar
1 vote

USA block-level census data for mass-download

If you need every single table for all blocks in a state, the simplest approach to get them in bulk is to use the FTP site: For documentation on how the files are constructed ...
fdonnelly's user avatar
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1 vote

Cryptocurrency hourly historical prices

Your question is about hourly data, but I've never seen that available for free. It's generally the basis of paid service plans. Coinecko has documentation on how to download their data with daily ...
James Risner's user avatar
1 vote

Multi-spectral high resolution satellite images for flood events

In June 2013, the City of Calgary, Alberta experienced severe flooding. The City has made very high resolution orthophoto mosaics available at no cost on their website. The licences specifies non-...
Dave G's user avatar
  • 111
1 vote

How to download Kiplingers best values in colleges

There are unlimited ways for you to download this data in a number of formats; making some choices around which format(s) is desired is your first step, as that will limit your download options and ...
albert's user avatar
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