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5 votes

Can I use another database instead of PostgreSQL in CKAN?

No, the only currently supported database backend is PostgreSQL. It was chosen as it is an open source, well supported and widely available solution. Support for other backends would need to be added ...
amercader's user avatar
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4 votes

Are the API keys on considered sensitive?

There are some API limits tied to a specific API key. If a third-party used your key, their calls would effect how many calls you can make.
fgregg's user avatar
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3 votes

Alternation ("OR") searching

AFAIK, at least one : should be used in order to enable advanced search on CKAN:
Stanislav Kralin's user avatar
3 votes

Versions of CKAN datasets and its resources

Revisioning in CKAN is something that needs to be refactored and that is currently not exposed via the UI but internally objects are being revisioned and assigned a revision_id, including resources, ...
amercader's user avatar
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2 votes

CKAN - ckanext-scheming - Add dataset button

You can override the template snippets/add_dataset.html if you just want to have multiple add buttons. Here is what you can do (tested on CKAN 2.8.3): {# Adds 'Add Dataset' button #} {% set ...
Francesco Frassinelli's user avatar
2 votes

Official Help and Support on customising CKAN

Typically the best place for support with software is the software's website. Did you try visiting CKAN's site? At first glance, there's a link in the top navigation called "Support", so that's where ...
albert's user avatar
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2 votes

Download CKAN Revisions

In this case, 2538d7f1-391b-4733-90b3-9e95cd5f3ea6 is a resource ID, not a revision ID. In CKAN, package(dataset) contains multiple resources and each of resources contain either actual data(file) or ...
Tony Dex's user avatar
1 vote

CKAN Hierarchy extension breaks the home page

The problem is that the CKAN Hierarchy Extension does not work with CKAN 2.8 and higher. It has nothing to do with the installed Scheming Extension, nor the way it was configured. The issue is ...
Graeme's user avatar
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1 vote

Not able to view private datasets in CKAN using Nginx

Well done on this issue / question. It's more succinct than before and focuses more closely on 1 problem. I'll focus on your 3 issues together as they seem to be interrelated. You're right, I think ...
user3366016's user avatar
1 vote

Solr not working while running CKAN over HTTPs using nginx and apache

You cannot reach solr from ckan because they are running in two different container on the same virtual network. If you run a container, a bridged network will be created by default. $ hostname -i ::...
Francesco Frassinelli's user avatar
1 vote

How can we install CKAN on Windows using IDE?

Windows is not a supported platform for the service, according to the documentation. However, if you must have a Windows machine, you can follow the Docker compose installation guide that CKAN ...
Bruce Becker's user avatar
1 vote

CKAN - Find and add tags to multiple datasets can this be done?

Yes, you can search all datasets that contain the word "agua" using the package_search API action, eg Once you have them you can either: For ...
amercader's user avatar
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1 vote

Querying CKAN in Python using ckanapi

For some reason, the above solution has not worked for me. I tried catalog and used the same code as below: import ckanapi ckan = ckanapi.RemoteCKAN('') search_params ...
soms's user avatar
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1 vote

Is there any way to get a package's resource's field names/datatypes with downloading the entire resource?

If the site in question has enabled it, the CKAN's Datastore allows you to query tabular data directly via additional API functions. In your case you would probably use the datastore_info function to ...
Florian Brucker's user avatar

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