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Questions tagged [mimic-iii]

The [MIMIC-III (Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care) database]( contains physiologic signals, vital signs time series, and comprehensive clinical data obtained from hospital medical information systems for over 40,000 intensive care unit (ICU) admissions at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.

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how to know to what measure correspond itemids in labevents table in mimic3?

I am new in dealing with mimic data and I am stuck. the physiological variables I am searching for can be found in D_ITEMS and LABEVENTS tables under different itemids. the itemids are not the same in ...
NoTisan's user avatar
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Retrieving first-recorded ejection fraction value

I want to retrieve the the first recorded ejection fraction (EF) of patients. From my attempts, the codes 2697, 2699, 226272, and 227008 represent ejection fractions: SELECT itemid, label, ...
Khalid Hussain's user avatar
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MIMIC III - Inputevents_mv\ inputevents_cv IV pumps

were the pumps in use when the data for inputevents_mv \inputevents_cv tables was collected, smart pumps? I'm asking because I wonder if the starttime\endtime was entered manually or not for the IV ...
Maya Schvetz's user avatar
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changes in mimic iv - where to find details?

I see new repos created for mimic iv. Where can I find information about planned changes to mimic? It is quite exciting to see a new version and users would be interested to hear more perhaps.
userJT's user avatar
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Help a beginner with Mimic III

I am a beginning user of the MIMIC III database, and I would like to query the database to get a list of all patients in Mimic III that have had a blood transfusion (ICD 9 code 9901 - 9905). Does ...
Denise's user avatar
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The Meaning of Patient Identifiers in AI Clinician Paper

I am trying to reproduce the results given in the paper The Artificial Intelligence Clinician learns optimal treatment strategies for sepsis in intensive care. A MIMIC-3 dataset has been used to ...
Osman Alenbey's user avatar
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Cannot find record of administration of Ipratropium Bromide in MIMIC-III

I am interested in the looking at the effects of respiratory medications and am having trouble tracking down the administration of Ipratropium Bromide. You can see from this count from the ...
elco's user avatar
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starttime bigger than endtime at inputevent_mv table MIMIC-III

Way at inputevent_mv table (MIMIC-III), there are 100 rows were their starttime is bigger than endtime? SELECT * FROM mimiciii.inputevents_mv where (starttime-endtime)> interval '1 minute'
Maya Schvetz's user avatar
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Overlapping intervals of inputs at inputevents_mv table for same icustay_id and itemid

In the following example after I discarded from rows that were "Rewritten" I still have rows (for the same drug at the same ICU admission) that their time period is overlapping. so, I want to know if ...
Maya Schvetz's user avatar
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Ordered admissions

Considering the date shift procedure adopted in MIMIC-III (add a random offset for each patient), is there any way to identify ordered admissions or ordered patients records? My intention is to split ...
Alvaro's user avatar
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how to open and read .alarms files in MIMIC II

I have a question about the .alarms files in MIMIC-II. I am not familiar with the .alarms file type and I could not find information about this on the internet. Could someone let me know how best to ...
wa1's user avatar
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MIMIC-III medication order frequencies

So is it true that there is no information of the frequency of medications ordered in MIMIC? The prescriptions table just has the dosage of each administration and the days the prescription was "...
Ian McCoy's user avatar
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what's the meaning of 'ordercategoryname' in mimiciii

I'm collecting informations of input data from mimiciii. I Find several strange data from the table. In general, it is impossible to give patients 3000ml of liquid. I can also find similar records. ...
Qi Zhang's user avatar
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Patient Workflow Steps in MIMIC-III

I'm trying to build a workflow model for subjects in the MIMIC-III data set. there's clearly no shortage of activities in here but if I were trying to track the major steps in the process (treatment ...
Steve Gordon's user avatar
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mimic-iii missing ICUstay_IDs, Aren't all of these hospitalizations ICU admits?

Of the 58,976 admissions (hadm_ID's) in the database, 1190 have no associated ICUstay_ID's. How is this possible? Are there hospitalizations in the database that didn't include any ICU admissions?
Ian McCoy's user avatar
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CHARTEVENTS Carevue and Metavision

I want to find all patients that have measurements for some predefined variables. However items names for carevue and metavision db are different (e.g. Carevue - 'NBP [Systolic], metavision- "Non ...
costa_25's user avatar
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mimic iii: could a pretrained word2vec be made available?

Why reinvent the wheel? or would this be some sort of a breach since it would then be available to those who have not taken the ethics course?
user3779753's user avatar
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MIMIC-III: many patients without prescription information?

Of the 46,520 patients listed in the PATIENTS database, 7,157 do not appear in the PRESCRIPTIONS database. About half of these are newborns (age < 1 year), but there remains about 3600 patients w/ ...
Ian McCoy's user avatar
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MIMIC-III cancelreason meaning

In the MIMIC-III database, when describing the variable CANCELREASON in tables INPUTEVENTS_MV or INPUTEEVENTS_CV, the text says: "CANCELREASON" ], "If the order was canceled, ...
Ines's user avatar
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What do the alarm chartevents exactly mean?

An example: row_id 24288398,24288390 and 24288389 in table chartevents are all for the same patient. Itemid 224687 (row_id 24288398) shows the minute volume at charttime 2101-09-12 17:00:00 Itemid ...
Benziner's user avatar
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System configuration requirements for seting up MIMIC-III

I am trying to set up mimic-iii database and running into memory issues on local machine. Can anyone please share recommended hardware configurations to set mimic-iii database?
prafi's user avatar
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Normal laboratory values for tests from the hospital/medical centers contributing to MIMIC database

Where can I get laboratory normal values and ranges for laboratory tests in the MIMIC database - tests like hematocrit, red blood cell count, bicarbonate, blood urea nitrogen, etc.? Specifically from ...
Dr D.C. Ross's user avatar
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Are there any (openly) available data sets for medical coding examples?

Are there any data sets of medical coding examples available online? Eg. Doctor's notes and resulting (correct/accepted) procedure and diagnosis codes for individual encounters or samples of ...
lampShadesDrifter's user avatar
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Does MIMIC-III have carbohydrate intake information for patients?

Does MIMIC-III have carbohydrate intake information for patients? If so, can you point out the corresponding tables? I am interested in studying the relationship between carbs and glucose variables.
Taha's user avatar
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Fluid Input Categories Changed from MIMICII to MIMICIII?

I would like to get some external verification to see if I am correct. I originally used the MIMIC II (2v26) database and I looked for fluids based on category in the d_ioitems table. For example: ...
Daren Eiri's user avatar
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Is it possible that there is only one patient < 16 y/o in entire MIMIC 3 database whose data was recorded by metavision data recorder?

Try this code: SELECT ie.subject_id, ie.hadm_id, ie.icustay_id, ie.intime, ie.outtime, ROUND((cast(ie.intime as date) - cast(pat.dob as date))/365.242, 2) AS age FROM mimiciii.icustays ie ...
suprvisr's user avatar
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Medication administration in MIMIC-III

Does MIMIC-III provide any medication administration data for oral or IV push medications? I'm aware that the PRESCRIPTIONS table contains all medications, but this table only reflects ordered ...
Kane's user avatar
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Update on severity scores regarding code from MIMIC repository?

What is the status of the following scores and appropriate code as of April 2017? (taken from Beta? Production? Good to use? ...
suprvisr's user avatar
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Why do some patients have no clinical notes in the first 48 hours in the MIMIC-III database?

Using MIMIC-III (v1.4), it seems that some patients do not have any clinical (i.e. physician, nursing, respiratory, nutrition) text notes during the first 48 hours of their admission. The number ...
Gary Weissman's user avatar
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Mimic III: clinical note match with icd9 code

With noteevents how can we match the icd9 code for a given clinical note from the diagnosis table. It seems that the subject_id, HADM_id are not unique.
mimickid's user avatar
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Is labevents table having lab values for tests before and after ICU admission?

I am noticing, that labevents table has labs values, from before and after critical care units admissions - icu stays, correct me please if I am wrong ? So lets say there is patient X coming into ICU ...
suprvisr's user avatar
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Meaning of specific Code status/DNR levels

I'm trying to understand the clinical meaning of two of the potential code status levels in the MIMIC3 data. The six levels are: Comfort Measures CPR Not Indicated Do Not Intubate Do Not ...
rthomble's user avatar
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ED Vitals and CHARTEVENTS prior to ICU admission

Are emergency department vital signs available in MIMIC III's CHARTEVENTS table? I understand that medications and laboratory data is available throughout the entire hospital stay (not just in the ...
Kane's user avatar
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How much did MIMIC have to pay hospitals to get access to their data?

In the United States, many hospitals as well as health insurance companies charge universities to access patient data. How much did MIMIC have to pay hospitals to get access to "their" data?
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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MIMIC III medications

The prescriptions table, only has information, about the dose, medication name and days between which (i assume inclusive) the medication was ordered (not even sure if this corresponds to actual ...
suprvisr's user avatar
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Selecting subjects with specific waveform types

I would like to run a query that selects all subjects containing specific waveform types such as II. A few months ago I run a script on the WAVEFORM_SEG_SIG table, but the table no longer exists. Is ...
Alexandra's user avatar
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MIMIC-II query builder unavailable for running query on waveform table

I am trying to run a query on MIMIC-II database but it currently has an invalid certificate (SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_DOMAIN) and browsers refuse to go there: ...
Alexandra's user avatar
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MIMIC III - C-Reactive protein

I'm trying to find CRP values in the MIMIC-III database. I've tried different search strategies but I've only found two items (227444, 220612) in the d_items table, which are both empty variables. Are ...
AAga's user avatar
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ChartEvents Column ValueEOM

I would Like to know Following information About Chart Events table: 1)full form of the ValueEOM column. 2) what they are used for . 3) Abnormal Values range For Example: bpm : Beats per minute ...
user2936008's user avatar
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Does data change between versions of mimic III database?

I am on version 1.4 and the query below which is suppose to count number of in-hospital mortalities has a count of 5854. However, I'm reading a paper that is written on version 1.3 of mimic III and ...
Omnipresent's user avatar
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Mimic iii - Are the months of the year accurate to the actual months?

According to the Mimic III documentation: All dates in the database have been shifted to protect patient confidentiality. Dates will be internally consistent for the same patient, but randomly ...
wahwahwah's user avatar
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How to download GNU makefile for windows to work with MIMIC III [closed]

How can I download GNU makefile for windows to donwload and intall MIMIC III V1.4 friendly?
alexandreliborio's user avatar
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mimic-iii question about ICD9

I have access to mimic database now, and for my research I need every patient's symptoms like fever, bleeding , .... I would like to know if this information is provided in the database and which ...
user14267's user avatar
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MIMIC-III Inputevents_mv 'Rewritten' value

Can anyone clarify how the 'Rewritten' value in the statusdescription column impacts the data? It appears impossible to ascertain the final "approved" sequence of events in a particular fluid delivery....
bizziedog's user avatar
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Can anyone HELP provide codes to import 'CHARTEVENTS' and 'NOTEEVENTS' in sas or R?

I tried R and SAS to import these two datasets, but the programming runs forever. I could not open in excel either. Can anyone provide codes to import these two table: 'CHARTEVENTS' and 'NOTEEVENTS' ?
Amanda's user avatar
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MIMIC III: timestamps are shifted by several years... is that normal?

Background: downloaded the MIMIC III data sets from PhysioNet in csv form. Opened ADMISSIONS data table in MS Excel, only to find that the time stamps have been shifted by many years. e.g., ADMITTIME ...
Andy's user avatar
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Finding patients who went under vasopressor use in MIMIC-III

I am interested in exploring Vasopressor use in MIMIC-III. I googled Vasopressor some drugs. I also tried to identify the relevant itemid in the d_items table. I figured out that those Vasopressor ...
Soheilbr82's user avatar
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Does MIMIC-III have imaging data? If so, how can i access it?

The MIMIC-III data download consists of csv files. Publications such as mention that reports of imaging studies are available. However, I wanted to know if ...
Chaitanya Shivade's user avatar
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Sequential Compression Device (SCD) records in MIMIC

I am trying to determine if ICU patients were issued sequential compression devices (SCD). Is this information captured anywhere other than the TEXT field in the NOTEEVENTS table within the MIMIC ...
D_Fike's user avatar
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Medication order in Prescription table

Can I know the med schedule in the Prescription table? For instance, one row indicates 'Hydromorphone 20mg vial is used for a patient' but I cannot find the detailed schedule. 20mg of of ...
Joongheum Park MD's user avatar