I'm trying to find CRP values in the MIMIC-III database. I've tried different search strategies but I've only found two items (227444, 220612) in the d_items table, which are both empty variables. Are there any CRP data available in the database? If yes, what am I doing wrong?

2 Answers 2


Lab results are shared between the tables labevents and chartevents: see here.

The itemids found in the table d_items refer mainly to the table chartevents. I have found 743 results in chartevents using the itemid 227444. 220612 does not seem to be used anywhere.

In the table d_labitems you will find that the itemid 50889 also corresponds to CRP, but is connected to the table labevents. There are 6604 records of CRP in labevents using this itemid.

Hope this helps.

SELECT hadm_id, subject_id, charttime, itemid, valuenum, valueuom
FROM mimiciii.chartevents 
WHERE itemID = 227444
AND valuenum IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY hadm_id, charttime

gives 743 records

SELECT hadm_id, subject_id, charttime, itemid, valuenum, valueuom
FROM mimiciii.labevents 
WHERE itemid = 50889
AND valuenum IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY hadm_id, charttime

gives 6393 records

SELECT hadm_id, subject_id, charttime, itemid, valuenum, valueuom
FROM mimiciii.chartevents WHERE itemID = 227444
AND valuenum IS NOT NULL
SELECT hadm_id, subject_id, charttime, itemid, valuenum, valueuom  
FROM mimiciii.labevents 
WHERE itemid = 50889
AND valuenum IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY hadm_id, charttime

gives 7136 records

The chartevents entries are duplicates of the labevents entries.

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