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Questions tagged [mimic-iii]

The [MIMIC-III (Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care) database]( contains physiologic signals, vital signs time series, and comprehensive clinical data obtained from hospital medical information systems for over 40,000 intensive care unit (ICU) admissions at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.

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7 votes
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Are there any (openly) available data sets for medical coding examples?

Are there any data sets of medical coding examples available online? Eg. Doctor's notes and resulting (correct/accepted) procedure and diagnosis codes for individual encounters or samples of ...
lampShadesDrifter's user avatar
4 votes
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Priority sequence column in diagnosis_icd

The order in the sequence column is related to the patient and based on priority. Priority of patients in critical care medicine are related to triage which is a scoring system including: the ...
Sven Van Poucke's user avatar
3 votes
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125 views - Sepsis Data Files?

I am searching for "Pre" and "Post" Physiological Data Files from Patients that have Sepsis. They can be in just about any format such as Excel, CSV, etc. but contain a Time Stamp, Heart Rate, BP(s), ...
LeoGeorge's user avatar
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Problem with base+gain of signals

There seems to be a problem with the gain/base when correcting the base/gain of several subjects. For example the gain/base of subject a44012am (mimic2db) should 512 /255 respectively (according to ...
Alexandra's user avatar
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Detecting use of vasopressor in a patient in MIMIC

To detect whether vasopressor was used for a patient in MIMIC, is looking at the presence of itemids whose labels are dobutamine, dopamine, epinephrine, epinephrine-k, levophed, levophed-k, ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
2 votes
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MIMIC-III cancelreason meaning

In the MIMIC-III database, when describing the variable CANCELREASON in tables INPUTEVENTS_MV or INPUTEEVENTS_CV, the text says: "CANCELREASON" ], "If the order was canceled, ...
Ines's user avatar
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Meaning of specific Code status/DNR levels

I'm trying to understand the clinical meaning of two of the potential code status levels in the MIMIC3 data. The six levels are: Comfort Measures CPR Not Indicated Do Not Intubate Do Not ...
rthomble's user avatar
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Selecting subjects with specific waveform types

I would like to run a query that selects all subjects containing specific waveform types such as II. A few months ago I run a script on the WAVEFORM_SEG_SIG table, but the table no longer exists. Is ...
Alexandra's user avatar
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MIMIC-III linking d_icd table with diagnosis_icd

I wanted to map the DIAGNOSES_ICD codes and PROCEDURES_ICD codes to D_DIAGNOSES_ICD and D_PROCEDURES_ICD code but I get a Relationship doesn't exist error. Is there a way around it?
Pearl's user avatar
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Mapping between mimic-iii clinical data and mimic II V3 waveforms

How can I map between a subject id and and its waveform record id in the mimic II v3 DB? For example, what is the waveform record id of a patient with subject_id = 8915? In the previous MIMIC II ...
Alexandra's user avatar
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How often does a waveform record come from two or more patients? says: the raw data file [might] contain data from two (or more) patients. Is there any estimation of how often a waveform record comes from two ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
2 votes
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diagnoses_icd.sequence in MIMIC-III: does the order matter aside from the primary diagnosis?

The column diagnoses_icd.sequence, according to the documentation: provides the order in which the ICD diagnoses relate to the patient. ICD diagnoses are ordered by priority. Does the order really ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
2 votes
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Mapping between MIMIC-II v2.6's meditems' itemids and MIMIC-III d_items?

I wonder whether there exists a mapping between MIMIC-II v2.6's meditems' itemids and MIMIC-III d_items.
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
1 vote
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MIMIC III - Inputevents_mv\ inputevents_cv IV pumps

were the pumps in use when the data for inputevents_mv \inputevents_cv tables was collected, smart pumps? I'm asking because I wonder if the starttime\endtime was entered manually or not for the IV ...
Maya Schvetz's user avatar
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changes in mimic iv - where to find details?

I see new repos created for mimic iv. Where can I find information about planned changes to mimic? It is quite exciting to see a new version and users would be interested to hear more perhaps.
userJT's user avatar
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Help a beginner with Mimic III

I am a beginning user of the MIMIC III database, and I would like to query the database to get a list of all patients in Mimic III that have had a blood transfusion (ICD 9 code 9901 - 9905). Does ...
Denise's user avatar
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Cannot find record of administration of Ipratropium Bromide in MIMIC-III

I am interested in the looking at the effects of respiratory medications and am having trouble tracking down the administration of Ipratropium Bromide. You can see from this count from the ...
elco's user avatar
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MIMIC-III medication order frequencies

So is it true that there is no information of the frequency of medications ordered in MIMIC? The prescriptions table just has the dosage of each administration and the days the prescription was "...
Ian McCoy's user avatar
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what's the meaning of 'ordercategoryname' in mimiciii

I'm collecting informations of input data from mimiciii. I Find several strange data from the table. In general, it is impossible to give patients 3000ml of liquid. I can also find similar records. ...
Qi Zhang's user avatar
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MIMIC-III: many patients without prescription information?

Of the 46,520 patients listed in the PATIENTS database, 7,157 do not appear in the PRESCRIPTIONS database. About half of these are newborns (age < 1 year), but there remains about 3600 patients w/ ...
Ian McCoy's user avatar
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System configuration requirements for seting up MIMIC-III

I am trying to set up mimic-iii database and running into memory issues on local machine. Can anyone please share recommended hardware configurations to set mimic-iii database?
prafi's user avatar
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Normal laboratory values for tests from the hospital/medical centers contributing to MIMIC database

Where can I get laboratory normal values and ranges for laboratory tests in the MIMIC database - tests like hematocrit, red blood cell count, bicarbonate, blood urea nitrogen, etc.? Specifically from ...
Dr D.C. Ross's user avatar
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Update on severity scores regarding code from MIMIC repository?

What is the status of the following scores and appropriate code as of April 2017? (taken from Beta? Production? Good to use? ...
suprvisr's user avatar
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MIMIC III medications

The prescriptions table, only has information, about the dose, medication name and days between which (i assume inclusive) the medication was ordered (not even sure if this corresponds to actual ...
suprvisr's user avatar
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ChartEvents Column ValueEOM

I would Like to know Following information About Chart Events table: 1)full form of the ValueEOM column. 2) what they are used for . 3) Abnormal Values range For Example: bpm : Beats per minute ...
user2936008's user avatar
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How to modify SOFA query to obtain daily SOFA up to day 7 in MIMIC 3?

How to modify SOFA query to obtain daily OSFA up to day 7 in MIMIC 3?
alexandreliborio's user avatar
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MIMIC II WAVEFORM V2 and V3 annotation file

On MIMIC II Waveform version 2 (, have an additional .alM annotation file for the 498 records listed in RECORDS.alM and alarm annotation files, with "chan" ...
Gal Hever's user avatar
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Looking for patients who took stool softener drugs on their first admission

I am looking for patients in MIMIC-III v1.3 who took stool softener drugs listed as "Senna, Dulcolax, docusate, milk of magnesia,Colace, MiraLAX, and bisacodyl" on their first ICU stay during the ...
Soheilbr82's user avatar
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Why do patient notes contain so many newline characters?

As indicated in the documentation, MIMIC-III's patient notes contain so many many newline characters. Why? Some statistics on MIMIC-III v1.3: SELECT AVG(CHAR_LENGTH(text)) avg_nb_of_char, AVG(...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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What's the difference between "Nursing" and "Nursing/other" notes?

What's the difference between Nursing and Nursing/other?
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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Error when importing data from SQL dumps to MIMIC-III tables

I am having trouble importing data to the created MIMIC-III tables. I followed the installing MIMIC locally instruction on and failed at step 6. When I enter the code, it outputs ...
Trung's user avatar
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how to know to what measure correspond itemids in labevents table in mimic3?

I am new in dealing with mimic data and I am stuck. the physiological variables I am searching for can be found in D_ITEMS and LABEVENTS tables under different itemids. the itemids are not the same in ...
NoTisan's user avatar