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Dataset of major newspapers content

You can use API to integrate the data you are looking for. You can filter for news articles, blog posts, online discussions and much more. By default you get 1,000 monthly API requests for ...
Ran Geva's user avatar
4 votes

Emmy Award winners

The dataset is not available, it could be useful in several projects and this Sunday evening was boring: three good reasons to scrape this site. Here is the file. It contains the nominees and the ...
Ettore Rizza's user avatar
4 votes

Criminal news stories

Here are some resources for searching across newspaper archival records for "crime stories", as well as some non-open (noopen) data solutions, and some references. resources, and thoughts: Open ...
albert's user avatar
  • 11.9k
3 votes

is there a dataset of financial blogs?

Here's another list that's updated more frequently and has slightly different metrics, should also be easy to parse (minus the pagination):
Han's user avatar
  • 131
3 votes

is there a dataset of financial blogs?

Answers to this question are easily found with a search engine. For example, A list of 789 financial blogs: Top Personal Finance Blogs There is no export, but the 7 pages of HTML-tables are pretty ...
philshem's user avatar
  • 17.7k
3 votes

Dataset of major newspapers content

There is also the All The News dataset from Kaggle. It has about 140K articles from major USA newspapers and news sites. Quoting from the Kaggle site: The publications include the New York Times, ...
Anoroah's user avatar
  • 131
2 votes

Dataset of major newspapers content

These are compilations of news headlines by date over long periods of time sourced from 3 very different types of agencies: ABC Australia 17 years (objective, accurate, reliable, aus, government, ...
Rohit's user avatar
  • 141
2 votes

Emmy Award winners

I'm an Emmy voter, an Open Data nerd, and a web developer -- and I don't know of a source. Guess you're going to have to scrape the data, sorry.
Asparagirl's user avatar
1 vote

Media Contacts Database?

The Python script MondotimesScraper can collect data from
Geremia's user avatar
  • 207
1 vote

Podcasts: Where can I find the average duration of episodes in a series?

If you look at the XML for that podcast you'll see that it is structured like this channel stream description item item description item item description … where the items are the ...
stib's user avatar
  • 111
1 vote

Dataset for TV commercials

I found this in my own searches: It's nearly 130,000 instances labeled TV or Commercial.
ClimbsRocks's user avatar
1 vote

Dataset for teaching trustworthy vs. untrustworthy news sources

There is a Pew Research study from July, 2016 on Trust and Accuracy of news media Few have a lot of confidence in the information they get ...
philshem's user avatar
  • 17.7k

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