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2 votes

News Article Data

The wayback machine has coverage for news sites, e.g. CNN. It can be bulk downloaded, see e.g. here, which discusses using wget.
Grimaldi's user avatar
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2 votes

Open news dataset regarding downsizing and employee layoff

I have scrapped few sites likes Techcrunch, Reuters , Bloomberg and few others and collected the articles related to Employee Layoff. The dataset is not that big but have around 320+ articles. Anyone ...
Prayalankar's user avatar
2 votes

Is there such a thing as a truly objective, neutral, factual news source for world news?

I don't think there exists objective neutral facts for notable news. Hypothetically, you could create a news feed that takes in all of the stock market buys and sells. Then you could generate a news ...
Ben Gjerstad's user avatar
1 vote

Is there such a thing as a truly objective, neutral, factual news source for world news?

Here is a source of news that gets close to what you are wanting:
Ben Gjerstad's user avatar
1 vote

Datasets for Fake news (Not Tweets and Facebook Posts)

From the Google Site. Fact Check Tools API Getting Started The Google FactCheck ClaimReview Read/Write API Typical use cases Adding ClaimReview markup, editing ClaimReview Markup, deleting ...
BioMap's user avatar
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Where I can get the datasets containing article with its summarization?

It sounds to me like the type of API/data source you're looking for is precisely what the New York Times API serves up. While the API call you make can have any customization you wish, if you're ...
Carl V. Lewis's user avatar
1 vote

Database of Press Releases

Most publicly traded companies (and some private ones) will keep a list of recent press releases on their website. Sometimes Yahoo Finance, when "covering" a publicly traded company, will compile a ...
Tom Au's user avatar
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