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free REST API for daily end-of-day S&P 500 index

By looking into yFinance source code I've found this query: where %5E is ^ ( ^GSPC )
Magno C's user avatar
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Looking for public dataset for stock market that is updated daily

In python, there are many libraries that can be used to get the stock market data. The most common set of data is the price volume data. These data can be used to create quant strategies, technical ...
Orophile's user avatar
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free REST API for daily end-of-day S&P 500 index

The St. Louis Fed has a very easy-to-use API for this. The format is:
jayp's user avatar
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Shanghai Stock Exchange data API

It turns out that you actually can get this data from Yahoo! Finance, but you just need to know the numeric representation of the Chinese ticker symbols of interest. prices # A tibble: 141,040 x 8 ...
Hack-R's user avatar
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free REST API for daily end-of-day S&P 500 index

The official website of the index is If you hover with your mouse over Export above the graph, then you can recover a link, with ...
Bence Mélykúti's user avatar
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Stock exchange dataset to use it with deep learning

Huge Stock Market Dataset Historical daily prices and volumes of all U.S. stocks and ETFs High-quality financial data is expensive to acquire and is therefore rarely shared for free. Here I provide ...
Orophile's user avatar
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Whole national market volume data

Here's another secondary source of the info: Bloomberg: It turns out the calculation was made by "Cboe Global Markets", who will have real-time market data access ($...
philshem's user avatar
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1 vote

Get all historical data for a specific stock?

Do realize that before 1962 you are in the pre-computer age. Prior to the digital era, people had to use metropolitan or institutional libraries for research. From this Zack's article on historical ...
Morrison Chang's user avatar
1 vote

As a broker, get real-time data from exchanges

I did something similar with a friend. We built a perl (but would work in python/R/etc) just as well, and stock by stock we used the Yahoo Finance API, which seems to have been removed in its ...
Marcus D's user avatar
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Financial Corpus

Reuters Financial Dataset as a structured DataFrame Reuters Financial Dataset is a large collection of Financial News Article scraped from Reuters website. Originally used for the paper Using ...
Orophile's user avatar
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Stock Charts images dataset

I think an easy way would be reverse image search. You'll get assorted "similar" images, but no clear license. Once you have a folder of images by scraping, you can manually clean them to include only ...
philshem's user avatar
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