I'm learning AI and I want to apply my knowledge in the stock exchange.
Do you know if there is a dataset to start training and testing my algorithm?
Huge Stock Market Dataset Historical daily prices and volumes of all U.S. stocks and ETFs
High-quality financial data is expensive to acquire and is therefore rarely shared for free. Here I provide the full historical daily price and volume data for all US-based stocks and ETFs trading on the NYSE, NASDAQ, and NYSE MKT. It's one of the best datasets of its kind you can obtain.
The data (last updated 11/10/2017) is presented in CSV format as follows: Date, Open, High, Low, Close, Volume, OpenInt. Note that prices have been adjusted for dividends and splits.
Top 10 Stock Market Datasets for Machine Learning
if you using https://rstudio.cloud, install tidyquant package can get the latest and updated real-time dataset...