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4 votes

Save Scraped Data to an Open Database

A quick an easy way to provide open access to your scraped data would be pushing it to GitHub or another easily accessible online repo in a text format (CSV/TSV or JSON if it's less structured -- this ...
DGinzberg's user avatar
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3 votes

A database of open databases?

Google Dataset Search A recent tool in beta. Blogpost FAQ Guidelines for developers (get your data indexed)
Andrey Portnoy's user avatar
1 vote

Seeking source of curated/cleansed data for 2016 Canadian Census?

I've run into this problem as well and have opted not to use the aggregated data in some cases because of how badly it's formatted. If you have access through a Canadian university, I`d highly ...
Zeitsperre's user avatar
1 vote

How to publish real-time open data

Simpler than using a big framework for a single file is just to create a simple CSV file format (datetime, value) and then set up a GitHub repository to host the file. You can then use a tool like ...
philshem's user avatar
  • 17.7k
1 vote

A database of open databases?

Add to the list the Github repo Awesomedata/awesome-public-datasets (and also check out the Complementary Collections section, which links other lists/resources.) At the time of this answer, the ...
philshem's user avatar
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1 vote

A database of open databases?

Check out - we're a social network for data people, and are building the world’s most collaborative, abundant, and meaningful data resource. If you don't see what you're looking for, you ...'s user avatar

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