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Questions tagged [rdf]

The Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a language for representing information about resources in the World Wide Web. It is a syntax independent data model that may be serialised in a variety of concrete syntaxes. RDF is the core data format used on the Semantic Web.

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Converting nested YAML to Turtle

I have a database in YAML format, which describes translations into Yiddish. Here is an example entry: id: ytd000643 slug: Der_Golem_Zilburg title: דער גולם title_translit: Der Golem translator: - ...
Jonah Lubin's user avatar
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Can a literal in RDF be called an "entity"?

Can a literal in RDF be seen as an "entity"? Coming from a background in Domain-Driven Design and Entity-Relationship Model this feels a bit weird. According to
soju13's user avatar
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Public RDF Ontology for Football (soccer) or Tennis?

Do you know of an RDF ontology for either football or tennis matches? I want to describe play-by-play events in the game and some statistics datasets. I did an extenstive reaserch but only really ...
Dan Jírovec's user avatar
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Linking data and making it available as linked data

I know some websites with photographs that have missing metadata. For example it could be missing location, missing event (WW1, WW2, …). If I have a source URL:
juFo's user avatar
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Does it make sense to restrict the meaning of an external entity for our purposes?

We create a standard for a data exchange format in form of an RDF graph. We would like to re-use existing class entities of external ontologies that fit our needs – except that they are too general ...
Torsten Bronger's user avatar
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Where can I find databases in .rdf or in .ttl format

I have to make web application with rdf and sparql and I need database in rdf/xml or in ttl format but I can not find. I thought about music or movies or books database but I did'nt find if you know ...
Meli's user avatar
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RDF schemas, ontologies for software libraries?

Are there RDF schemas, ontologies for software libraries? Let's say I'm a Lisp programmer familiar with quicklisp. Or I'm a C programmer using numerical packages. Or a MS programmer using DLLs. Has ...
147pm's user avatar
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How precise class names should be? [closed]

For example if our database is about the European Union, is calling the class containing countries inside the EU Country descriptive enough, even though it's not supposed to contain countries outside ...
Charlie's user avatar
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How to get the path details between two nodes in DBpedia in SPARQL

I want to check if two DBpedia nodes have a path using; dct:subject and skos:broader properties without specifying properties For instance consider the two DBpedia nodes
EmJ's user avatar
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What is the hypernym field in DBpedia?

I saw that there is a field in DBpedia. For instance consider the DBpedia page The
EmJ's user avatar
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Ontology for theme of a text

I'm looking for an ontology that describes the theme of a text (eg. "finance", "leisure"). A text can have multiple themes. Preferably the ontology would also have room to store a match percentage: { ...
voodoo-burger's user avatar
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How come there are missing entities in this SPARQL query?

I was interested in listing all books, so I wrote: SELECT ?book ?url WHERE { ?book wdt:P31 wd:Q571 . OPTIONAL { ?url schema:about ?book . ?url schema:inLanguage "en" . ?url schema:...
JammingThebBits's user avatar
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What is the difference between resource and category of DBpedia

My initial understanding of DBpedia was that resources are lower level entities and categories are higher level entities. Since categories are higher level, I thought that they do not have a ...
EmJ's user avatar
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How to find the wikidata ID of a DBpedia concept?

I have a set of DBpedia concepts and would like to get the corresponding wikidata IDs of them. For example, consider word2vec. The wikidata ID of word2vec is wd:Q22673982. Currently, I have the ...
EmJ's user avatar
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Wikidata SPARQL - get company entities and the location of their headquarters

I'm having trouble extracting location attributes of company HQ's. My query: finds all companies or sub-classes, and returns some basic properties such as ISIN and URL, and the Headquarter location. ...
BenP's user avatar
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How to use wikidata property paths?

Given a term/concept, I want to decide if it belongs to computer science. For that, I am checking if the concept has a property path to computer science node. In other words, I am checking whether ...
EmJ's user avatar
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How to identify general medical terms using Wikipedia/DBpedia/WikiData

Given a list of medical terms, I want to identify and remove the general (less granular) terms. For example consider the below mentioned word list: - kartagener s syndrome - disease treatment - ...
EmJ's user avatar
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How to identify general terms using LOD?

I want to identify general medical terms such as human, patient, hospitals, drugs using LOD (e.g., wikipedia, dbpedia, wikidata etc.). In other words I am referring to medical terms that are less ...
EmJ's user avatar
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Ontology for QoS, i.e. download/upload speed, throughput

There are lots of papers, but don't publish their actual ontology, only give you figures/graphs (i.e. QoSOnt, OWL-QoS). Is there a properly hosted ontology with an actual owl file and namespace ...
Mzq's user avatar
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How to get specific wikipedia data?

I only want to use the link structure and articles’ content of Wikipedia. Therefore, I want to downlaod the dump that contains only the following details. articles content link structure (i.e. re-...
EmJ's user avatar
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Why is the Open World assumption so central to the semantic web?

The semantics of RDF is known to be based on the open world assumption. What does that mean? How does that show up in the RDF Semantics? And why does it help in data integration?
Henry Story's user avatar
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(How) Was SPARQL influenced by erotetics?

Erotetics is the logic of questions and answers. The field has been developed over the last hundred years and is nicely summarized by (Wisniewski 2015). How, if at all, was SPARQL, the RDF query ...
Henry Story's user avatar
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Can we use DBpedia for identifying Polysemy of words?

I want to detect words with Polysemy in a given text in descending order. That the word that has multiple meanings should be in the top of the list, and words with least Polysemy should be in bottom. ...
J Cena's user avatar
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Is there any available dataset describing types of sensors (ideally using SSNO)?

I am developing an application that tries to predict what type of sensors would be needed in a working environment to achieve certain goals. In order to function, this application needs to know (A) ...
Paolo P.'s user avatar
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Real world objects and digital contents represented in RDF

Not sure if this is the appropriate forum for this question, especially after the Dataversity Q&A site shutdown, so please feel free to suggest better avenues. I am implementing an LDP server ...
user3758232's user avatar
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Data integration tool that supports Semantic Web

I've multiple data sources (files or API data). I want to integrate all these sources using one common ontology. I've started using Karma Information Integration Tool; however, I'm facing some ...
Nasreddine's user avatar
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How to extract DBpedia infomation

I wrote a python programme to extract the DBpedia links for a given document using DBpedia Spotlight. Now I am interested in getting the skos:broader property and dcterms:subject property for each ...
J Cena's user avatar
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How to build a concept hierarchy using LOD?

I am interested in building a concept hierarchy using the given Computer Science related concepts. For an example we can consider 'support vector machine', whether the parent category would be '...
J Cena's user avatar
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YAGO entity details

I recently came across an article where they have mentioned that YAGO has more entities than DBpedia. It also mentions that "Recently, a new version of YAGO has been released, which also accounts for ...
J Cena's user avatar
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What limitations, if any, are there on what kind of concepts can be declared using RDF?

I wanted to ask about limitations on the "concepts" that can be defined using RDF or OWL. Some concepts such as the economic term "inflation" or the concept "overwork" (as when someone works too much) ...
Dee's user avatar
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3 answers

API to use Klink-2 Computer Science Ontology (CSO)

I came across this interesting paper that make use of the Klink-2 Computer Science Ontology (CSO): Automatic Classification of Springer Nature Proceedings with Smart Topic Miner Where can I find an ...
J Cena's user avatar
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What tool can I use to manage a researcher network bibliography?

I am making a website for a researcher network using Jekyll and hosting it on github pages. Each researcher (250+ people) should have his own document with an up to date bibliography. I could ...
Billybobbonnet's user avatar
4 votes
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Which RDF predicates to use to annotate: fileX "has hash" 01ABCF "of type" sha256 "downloaded from site" http://url/to/page?

Which predicates to use: (let's use Turtle syntax) @prefix rdf: <> . @prefix file: <http://domain.I.own/my_rdf_space_for_file_ids/> . @prefix q?...
Grzegorz Wierzowiecki's user avatar
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A license catalog project with RDF description, exist?

(Edit after first answer to avoid cross-post) Popular public copyright licenses like GPL3, MIT, Apache2, CC-BY-SA3, etc. have official human-readable texts, and, I suppose, in nowadays, have also ...
Peter Krauss's user avatar
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5-star Open Data rating scheme, are there URIs for the ratings?

I'm in the process of constructing a DCAT catalogue and we want to show how each dataset conforms to the 5-star open data rating scheme. I assumed that someone would have coined URIs for each rating ...
chrisis's user avatar
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Should a Linked Data Platform (LDP) server answer to a request for a container that does not exist in the dataset?

I'm developing a partial implementation of the LDP specification and I have the following issue: Suppose that my dataset contains book resources with URIs like:
Yagüe's user avatar
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Mapping CSV Header to RDF + SPARQL console

I would like to know your opinion about the next system: with a large CSV file convert it's header to RDF schema, in which exists only the CSV columns information and access point. This way there's ...
Alexey's user avatar
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Are there any dataset for psychology

I am looking for a triple RDF dataset or vocabulary for a psychology website I am developing. I have a large XML schema database and am looking to translate this database to one RDF serialization ...
Kindle Q's user avatar
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What needs to be done to be 4 or 5-star open data?

I work at a University which is trying to open up some of its data. We make some of our data available as PDF or Excel documents. The 5-star deployment scheme has been referenced a fair bit in Europe ...
Dave Alger's user avatar
11 votes
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How to embed licenses within SVG?

This is a split refactored from an older post containing too many questions about licenses in SVG Tiny 1.2 using RDFa as suggested by Patrick Hoefler. See also question Interest of double lincenses CC-...
oHo's user avatar
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Expressing restaurant information in RDF/XML

I am extracting a dataset from Wikivoyage's restaurants, and would like to have some feedback, to know how I can improve it before publication. For instance, this Wikivoyage restaurant description in ...
Nicolas Raoul's user avatar
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How to express that a is located in a given Wikidata geographical entity?

I created this RDF restaurant description... <rdf:Description rdf:nodeID='Nb925d432-69b1-42e0-8063-d914e3504dde'> <rdf:type rdf:resource=''/> <schema:name&...
Nicolas Raoul's user avatar
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What Linked Data serialization format to choose for our (now CSV) open data?

We have open data as a CSV file, about 200k lines, columns are mostly text. In order to make it into Linked Data and be easily reusable by as many mashups/apps/etc as possible, we want to propose ...
Nicolas Raoul's user avatar
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What triplestore that can handle the largest number of triples?

A triplestore is a special database engine containing information triples and answering to SPARQL requests. What is currently the triplestore that can contain most triples, while still being able to ...
Nicolas Raoul's user avatar
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Where to upload open data? (no online data editing needed)

I have CSV and RDF files that I would like to upload somewhere so that everyone can download them. What is the most appropriate website for this? I need at least: Easily upload, just select the ...
Nicolas Raoul's user avatar
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How to work with RDF formats

I recently downloaded a ZIP file in RDF format from the Barcelona Open Data web page. This format is a subset (or that is what I understand) of XML. I’ve been trying to parse it with an objective C ...
aprendeIOS's user avatar
12 votes
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Why isn't RDF more popular within the private sector?

I've learned about the idea of storing data in the form of triples not too long ago. This is essentially what RDF allows and since I've started using this to model my data, I've never really looked ...
Luca Matteis's user avatar
13 votes
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How to publish open data on my website? (Or: from CSV to RDFa)

I already spent some time importing data in a tabular form from a PDF published by an official institution. I would like to publish this table on my website. The data is nicely formatted in CSV. Is ...
Francesco's user avatar
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How can I download the complete Wikidata database?

Wikidata is a new Wikimedia project: It centralizes access to and management of structured data, such as interwiki references and statistical information. This data would be of enormous interest ...
Patrick Hoefler's user avatar