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How to find the wikidata ID of a DBpedia concept?

I have a set of DBpedia concepts and would like to get the corresponding wikidata IDs of them. For example, consider word2vec. The wikidata ID of word2vec is wd:Q22673982. Currently, I have the ...
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How to use wikidata property paths?

Given a term/concept, I want to decide if it belongs to computer science. For that, I am checking if the concept has a property path to computer science node. In other words, I am checking whether ...
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How to identify general medical terms using Wikipedia/DBpedia/WikiData

Given a list of medical terms, I want to identify and remove the general (less granular) terms. For example consider the below mentioned word list: - kartagener s syndrome - disease treatment - ...
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How to identify general terms using LOD?

I want to identify general medical terms such as human, patient, hospitals, drugs using LOD (e.g., wikipedia, dbpedia, wikidata etc.). In other words I am referring to medical terms that are less ...
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How to build a concept hierarchy using LOD?

I am interested in building a concept hierarchy using the given Computer Science related concepts. For an example we can consider 'support vector machine', whether the parent category would be '...
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