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Questions tagged [mimic-iii]

The [MIMIC-III (Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care) database]( contains physiologic signals, vital signs time series, and comprehensive clinical data obtained from hospital medical information systems for over 40,000 intensive care unit (ICU) admissions at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.

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Does MIMIC-III have patients with atrial fibrillation & knee osteoarthritis?

Do you know if the MIMIC-III database includes patients (in parcticular their free-text notes, medications & demography) - that have either atrial fibrillation, knee osteoarthritis or closely ...
John Snow's user avatar
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Vasopressor and antibiotics in MIMIC3

I think I noticed an issue, but not sure whether it is correct. It looks like the administration record of antibiotics/vasopressor are found in the PRESCRIPTION table. However, I discovered that the ...
Joongheum Park MD's user avatar
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MIMIC-III: How the patients take their prescriptions exactly?

For example, there are three prescriptions for a patient named Jam: prescription 1: Drug A, startdate: 2016-08-01, enddate: 2016-08-08, prescription 2: Drug B, startdate: 2016-08-03, enddate: 2016-...
user3879134's user avatar
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what is the exactly relationship between the diagnoses priority and the treatment in MIMIC-III?

What is the exactly relationship between the diagnoses priority and the treatment in MIMIC-III? The website mentions: SEQ_NUM provides the order in which the ICD diagnoses relate to the patient. ...
user3879134's user avatar
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3 answers

Are doses in inputevents_mv correct?

Just trying to get some drug doses out from mimic-iii but having a little trouble making sense of the data. I'm trying to find the doses of morphine sulphate given to patients in their first day but ...
Ahmed's user avatar
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Where is the "MIMIC-III Waveform Database"?

Can somebody help to clarify that if there is such thing as "MIMIC-III Waveform Database" that is available for downloading? or this is the same thing as the mimic II waveform data available from ...
Karen Chen's user avatar
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Finding central line placement date on MIMIC-III Dataset

I'm trying to find a record on MIMIC dataset showing that a patient being placed with a central line (aka central venous catheter) and I need this information only for CLABSI patients (i.e. diagnosed ...
C. Sen's user avatar
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Past medical/medication history in MIMIC-III

Aside from progress notes (using natural language analysis or by manual review), is there any method for extracting past medical history or a medication history prior to admission from the MIMIC-III ...
Kane's user avatar
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mimic-iii - Age adjustment for >89 year olds

This should be incredibly straightforward, but I'm struggling with a simple way of calculating dates for patients >89 on their first admission. Am I correct in thinking that their DOB should be (...
Nickopotamus's user avatar
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The unit for blood cell number is different in labevent. How could I unify them?

I just want to unify the unit for lab measurement data in labevent table for mimiciii. But I found there are two types of units for counting numbers of blood cell: #/uL and %. I could not find the ...
Yuqi SI's user avatar
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MIMIC dataset : How to find time since first admission

In the process of creating a survival dataset the time to death after first admission needs to be calculated. For patients who are still alive how can the duration-alive from first admission be ...
user5768803's user avatar
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Want to understand MIMIC III warning in table Chartevents

In table Chartevents, there is a attribute named warning. What does it represent? for example if there is a data entry with ITEMID 220046 which represents Heart rate Alarm - High, what does warning ...
asif salekin's user avatar
1 vote
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How to associate the MIMIC II Waveform Matched database to the MIMIC III Clinical database?

I am trying to associate the “MIMIC II Waveform Matched database” to the “MIMIC III Clinical database”, but my results are suspicious. According to the documentation, the “sNNNN” identifier of the ...
Achoum's user avatar
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How to modify SOFA query to obtain daily SOFA up to day 7 in MIMIC 3?

How to modify SOFA query to obtain daily OSFA up to day 7 in MIMIC 3?
alexandreliborio's user avatar
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MIMIC II WAVEFORM V2 and V3 annotation file

On MIMIC II Waveform version 2 (, have an additional .alM annotation file for the 498 records listed in RECORDS.alM and alarm annotation files, with "chan" ...
Gal Hever's user avatar
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Looking for patients who took stool softener drugs on their first admission

I am looking for patients in MIMIC-III v1.3 who took stool softener drugs listed as "Senna, Dulcolax, docusate, milk of magnesia,Colace, MiraLAX, and bisacodyl" on their first ICU stay during the ...
Soheilbr82's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

MIMIC-III: Negative cultures and microbiologyevents

In MIMIC-III, where do negative cultures appear? Is this different between CareVue patients and Metavision patients? Despite the documentation's assertion (here) that "If the specimen is null, then ...
Thomas Desautels's user avatar
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MIMIC-III PROCEDUREEVENTS_MV overlapping invasive ventilation time

I am working on invasive ventilation records in PROCEDUREEVENTS_MV. I found a few records where there are overlapping times. I already checked that those records has cancelreason = 0 and ...
Tanachat's user avatar
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MIMIC-III - days of the week?

Although dates in MIMIC-III are shifted for patient confidentiality purposes, is there any way to extract days of the week? This would be useful for e.g. calculating severity of admissions on Saturday/...
Nickopotamus's user avatar
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In the MIMIC II database, where can I get the "type of admission", which could be scheduled surgical, unscheduled surgical or medical?

In the MIMIC II database can we use the comorbidity_score table to get which patients have AIDs, metastatic cancer and hematologic malignancy (as these three diseases are included in the table as ...
Ayallah Awad's user avatar
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Estimation of intubation time

If I would need the estimated time of intubation for our project, what would be a good proxy. I have found several ventilation-related codes in the MIMIC-III GitHub repo (
Mornin Feng's user avatar
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Why do patient notes contain so many newline characters?

As indicated in the documentation, MIMIC-III's patient notes contain so many many newline characters. Why? Some statistics on MIMIC-III v1.3: SELECT AVG(CHAR_LENGTH(text)) avg_nb_of_char, AVG(...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
4 votes
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Time of death in-hospital?

How do you determine the exact time of death for in-hospital deaths? I see DOD (day of death) but not a time stamp.
jana's user avatar
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Experience in transforming MIMIC-III dataset to follow EHR standards?

I wonder if anyone has attempted to transform MIMIC-III dataset into a format following some EHR standards, such as openEHR or HL7? If not, any examples of how people use the dataset in non-...
Kenneth Lui's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

MIMIC III : Date and Time when Diagnosis Code was determined for the patient, say Septic Shock

I am working on a project to predict Septic Shock on the MIMIC III data set. I am using the following ICD9-CODes to detect Sepsis but not sure how to get the date + time stamp when the patient was ...
Sara's user avatar
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What's the license of MIMIC-III?

What's the license of MIMIC-III, if any? I could only find the MIMIC II Clinical Database Restricted Data Use Agreement, which I copy below: If I am granted access to the MIMIC II Clinical ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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What's the difference between "Nursing" and "Nursing/other" notes?

What's the difference between Nursing and Nursing/other?
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
3 votes
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Where can I get previous versions of MIMIC-III?

The current version of MIMIC-III is 1.3, and can be obtain here. Where can I get previous versions of MIMIC-III? Namely, versions 1.1 and 1.2?
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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How to retrieve discharge summaries?

How can I get the discharge summaries in mimic III, I tried putting 'Summary' as a category but didn't work.
Ala's user avatar
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Relation of MIMIC-II v2.6 and MIMIC-III v1.3 patients records

Are all patients' admissions and ICU stays from MIMIC-II included in MIMIC-III?
Soheilbr82's user avatar
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Inquiry about number of adults in MIMIC-III v1.3

I need to verify the number of adults I found in MIMIC III v1.3. Based on the fact that age is defined by this formula: ((extract(DAY from admittime - dob) + extract(HOUR from admittime - dob) / 24 ...
Soheilbr82's user avatar
2 votes
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loading MIMIC III into SQL Server [closed]

I'd like to load the MIMIC III data into SQL Server because that's what I know best. The problem with the csv files is that some fields contain commas as part of the data. It would be far easier to ...
John Paul Cook's user avatar
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125 views - Sepsis Data Files?

I am searching for "Pre" and "Post" Physiological Data Files from Patients that have Sepsis. They can be in just about any format such as Excel, CSV, etc. but contain a Time Stamp, Heart Rate, BP(s), ...
LeoGeorge's user avatar
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Looking for admitting SAPS score for first hospitalization of patients in MIMICIII [duplicate]

There is a table in MIMICII named "MIMIC2V26.ICUSTAY_DETAIL" and there is a field named "SAPSI_FIRST" inside the table. It seems that this field contains SAPS score for the first hospitalization of ...
Soheilbr82's user avatar
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MIMIC-III linking d_icd table with diagnosis_icd

I wanted to map the DIAGNOSES_ICD codes and PROCEDURES_ICD codes to D_DIAGNOSES_ICD and D_PROCEDURES_ICD code but I get a Relationship doesn't exist error. Is there a way around it?
Pearl's user avatar
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Convenient way to get time of surgery in MIMIC-III

In the MIMIC-III database there is a PROCEDURES_ICD that gives ICD9 codes for procedures such as surgeries that were performed on patients. The corresponding description of these codes are nice and ...
Arya's user avatar
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Looking for equivalence of MIMIC-II v2.6 dataset in MIMIC-III v1.3

There is a table in the MIMIC-II v2.6 database named "mimic2v26.d_codeditems" which includes a category named "type". One of the specified types is "procedure". I am looking for the equivalent data in ...
Soheilbr82's user avatar
2 votes
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Pulse transit time values (PTT)

It seems that PTT based on the ABP & ECG signals is ~300 ms, but when based on the PPG signal then PTT is ~550 ms (consistent for multiple subjects). As I understand both ABP and PPG were measured ...
Alexandra's user avatar
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Why are lab tests splitted into 2 tables: chartevents and labevents?

For example, blood sodium has itemid 837, 220645 etc... in chartevents and 50983 in labevents. Most patients have recordings in both tables, of which some are duplicates and some are unique. I'm using ...
mkomo's user avatar
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Problem with base+gain of signals

There seems to be a problem with the gain/base when correcting the base/gain of several subjects. For example the gain/base of subject a44012am (mimic2db) should 512 /255 respectively (according to ...
Alexandra's user avatar
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Arterial line location and PPG sensor location

1) From which artery the ABP signal was collected? 2) Where was the PPG device located? Fingertip? What wavelength was used?
Alexandra's user avatar
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Error when importing data from SQL dumps to MIMIC-III tables

I am having trouble importing data to the created MIMIC-III tables. I followed the installing MIMIC locally instruction on and failed at step 6. When I enter the code, it outputs ...
Trung's user avatar
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Meaning of SEQ_NUM in DIAGNOSES_ICD table and missing values in ICD9_CODE field

I am just starting to analyze v1.3 of MIMIC-III data. I have two questions about the DIAGNOSES_ICD table. According to the documentation [1] : "ICD diagnoses are ordered by priority - and the order ...
Kenneth Lui's user avatar
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3 answers


I wonder how to map SUBJECT_ID and HADM_ID of MIMIC-II with SUBJECT_ID and HADM_ID of MIMIC-III.
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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MIMIC-II Introduction document: errors in example code?

I am new to SQL and am trying to explore the MIMIC-II dataset using the query builder so the logical step seemed to be follow the tutorials within the introduction document [1]. Unfortunately I ...
J.McClelland's user avatar
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Mapping between mimic-iii clinical data and mimic II V3 waveforms

How can I map between a subject id and and its waveform record id in the mimic II v3 DB? For example, what is the waveform record id of a patient with subject_id = 8915? In the previous MIMIC II ...
Alexandra's user avatar
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MIMIC-III: When exactly was MIMIC-III v1.3 released?

What is the release history for MIMIC-III? I was using some version and now I see there is version 1.3. When was 1.3 officially released? When was 1.2 officially released? Are there other versions? ...
userJT's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

MIMIC-III severity score

Is there any severity score in the MIMIC-III beyond SOFA? I've found many itemdid with APACHE IV label but I did not retrieve any information in the chartevents. Best
alexandreliborio's user avatar
5 votes
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MIMIC-III. Select only the first ICU admission

How can I select data only for the first ICU stay of each patient? In the MIMIC-II, there was a column with the sequence of ICU stay (first, second) and another column with the icustay_id. In the ...
alexandreliborio's user avatar
6 votes
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MIMIC-III Elixhauser comorbidity table

How can I obtain a table containing the 30 Elixhauser comorbidities for patients in the MIMIC-III database? Did anybody already run the code in the MIMIC-III forum?
alexandreliborio's user avatar