I am searching for a shapefile containing waterbodies and waterlines (rivers, etc.) in Norway, ideally at scale 1:50 000.
I have found a great resource of topographic map here: https://kartkatalog.geonorge.no/metadata/kartverket/n50-kartdata/ea192681-d039-42ec-b1bc-f3ce04c189ac but my downloaded data contain a raster of topo map and vectors, which do not contain river lines neither river bodies.
I have also found a WMS service for topo data: https://openwms.statkart.no/skwms1/wms.topo4.graatone? which contain the rivers ("Elver", "Vannkontur"), but I can not modify the style of those data neither simply overlay it on my map.
Please, how can I access the river and water bodies data from Norway? My study area is near Østfold. Unfortunately, I am not a Norwegian speaker.