I am looking for binary raster data, which indicates whether a granular pixel on a world map is covered by water or not. This should be data with relatively high resolution, where e.g. a river or a lake is assigned a zero (water) and some parcel of land is assigned a 1 (land) (or the other way round). However, I do not need this for the oceans in order to limit the size of the dataset.
I found e.g. this paper: https://tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17538947.2015.1026420 but cannot find the dataset itself.
I also found this data: http://glcf.umd.edu/data/watermask/ but the links provided on the website do not seem to work and I cannot find it anywhere else.
The two datasets use resolutions at 30 meters and 250 meters. The good thing about such a small-scale resolution is that it also covers rivers and that is what I am searching for.
I also found the following dataset: https://daac.ornl.gov/ISLSCP_II/guides/combined_ancillary_xdeg.html
However, the resolution of that dataset is about 1km and therefore a little bit too coarse. It does not really cover rivers but only major lakes.