I'm a developer trying to procedurally generate a Minecraft map based on the real Earth. I've recently spent a few days looking for Earth data for my generator to use, but I've found very few good results.
Here's a list of data sets I could use for generating such a map:
- Elevation
- Bathymetric (undersea depth)
- Vegetation(coverage percentage, type of vegetation, etc.)
- Soil type
- Crust composition data
- Water salinity
I'm extremely new to global data collection, so there's probably a host of other properties which could improve the map. However, I've not been able to find a consistent source for getting such data. I've found a few sources, but each of them has problems.
For example, this land-cover dataset has decent vegetation and soil maps, but their resolution is 1 degree² per pixel and there are a large amount of holes. Ideally, I'm looking for something at least with a resolution of 0.01² degrees (36 arcseconds). For this project, I'm looking for maps in/convertible to the Miller or equirectangular projection.
If there are absolutely no other options, I can just use a vector tracing algorithm to roughly upscale the vegetation maps and then fill in the holes, but that should be a last resort.