Most of the APIs publicly available from U.S. federal agencies are read-only APIs of Open Data -- are there example of read-write APIs?
3 Answers
The API answer is a good example! It's also an example of government dogfooding its own APIs.
As I am sure you are aware, the We the People petition site has a write API as well:
For more information on Federal Government APIs, see this Hub of Federal API information & check out the APIs listed on
Thanks Rebecca! Follow up question (if kosher): will it be possible to search for write APIs on– Nick S.Commented Mar 10, 2015 at 1:48
I have no idea if it's a good example, but there are some APIs for giving comments on regulations. See
Most sites don't allow submissions that would then be displayed immediately to other people -- it opens up too many issues including security and harrassment.
I haven't done a recent look at this in federal government, but I am slowly generating APIs.json and Swagger definitions for federal APIs. Then I will be able to keep a regular tally of POST, PUT, DELETE across federal gov APIs, not just WRITE -
18F has the most comprehensive list so far -