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how to search for PDF files on a captured website between some date range

here's how i automated the process within R setwd( "C:/path/to/PDFs" ) year <- 2008 domain_name <- "" archive_org_captures <- readLines( paste0( "http://...
Anthony Damico's user avatar
4 votes

how to search for PDF files on a captured website between some date range

Here is one way, although the API probably has more efficient methods. You can append * to the end of a URL in the Wayback Machine and it will return all of the saved URLs for that domain. The link ...
albert's user avatar
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2 votes

how to search for PDF files on a captured website between some date range

Using the official wayback_machine_downloader tool: wayback_machine_downloader --from 2005 --to 2008 --only "/\.(pdf)$/i"
Matt Sephton's user avatar
1 vote

Searching for a specific file name across websites on Wayback Machine

I now contacted the IA directly and Mark Graham kindly told me that this is impossible, as there is no fts url index.
phil294's user avatar
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1 vote

Where can I find HTML5 metadata?

HTML is machine-readable/can be parsed, so not sure what you mean by "unprocesable". The document containing the information you desire may as well be valid markup, but more importantly proves its ...
albert's user avatar
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