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Free source of AIS historical data (API)

I am trying to find out the geographical route of a vessel in a given time window. Do you know any free open source website/api/database which would allow me to identify the the path a vessel followed ...
Federico Gentile's user avatar
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Historical data about military deaths

Where can I download the data behind this graph, or similar?
user31264's user avatar
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Historical Sectoral Data

Is there anyone who has converted data provided by Mitchell (2013) book International Historial Statistics into an accessible format like .csv or .dta? The book contains data from the 19th century ...
Dhruv's user avatar
  • 1
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Ship Trip data which that shows passenger count?

Could some one please tell me if they know of a source of data that shows past passengers numbers for ships? Its specifically cruise ships the ROALD AMUNDSEN Passenger (Cruise) Ship, IMO 9813072 &...
Pliny's user avatar
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Is there any historical database on witches?

Is there any historical database, in any form, relating to witches? It can be text-based, a spreadsheet, or just a list of numbers, or anything. For example: a list of witches executed per year and ...
BigMistake's user avatar
2 votes
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Looking for public source for time series data: DAX/DE40

The Deutsche Bundesbank (the German central bank) provides publicly available statistical data at This includes a number of time series ...
Roland's user avatar
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Sources of ancient shorelines

Coastlines have fluctuated throughout human history, such as the Persian Gulf, Yellow River delta, etc. Are there any shapefiles of those old shorelines? (Preferably the bronze age)
user avatar
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Does anyone have good data on the evolution of the Persian Gulf from Sumerian to Modern Times?

So far I can't find good data on the evolution of the Persian Gulf silting up, only what it was in 6000 BP, and how it is now without anything in between. Is there any dataset (preferably vector) you ...
Richie Tozier's user avatar
1 vote
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Georeferenced data on archeological discoveries in Africa

I am looking for any kind of georeferenced data on archeological discoveries (or maybe unsuccessful expeditions) in African countries. Ideally, these would span the last 100 years and identify the ...
sheß's user avatar
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Fort Peck historic topographic maps

I am looking for historic topographic maps of the Missouri River before the Fort Peck Reservoir/Dam was built in 1940 (in the area of the Fort Peck Reservoir). I have searched National Map Viewer but ...
Allison T's user avatar
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Kinneret water levels

I am looking for daily data for the water level of Kinneret over the years (ideally 20+ years). Is there such thing?
user31264's user avatar
  • 121
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ISBN market history?

Is there a database to get the sales / market history from various vendors of a book specified by its ISBN? I think has this ability, but it's not free/open.
Geremia's user avatar
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USA Residential Electricity Prices

EDITED QUESTION to add context: I'm interested in "modeling" the Electricity Price for Residential Users in the US, particularly (if possible) in Massachusetts. I'd like to obtain something ...
rainbow's user avatar
  • 113
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Open source SAR data for the year 1999-2001 over India

where I can get Radarsat-1 data for 1999-2001 over Indian region(open for download)? or can anyone suggest me SAR dataset for the above mentioned year and location which can be downloaded free of cost....
Mansa Dey's user avatar
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UK battle sites

Is there a dataset of UK battle sites? At a minimum, Lat/Long, but the more data the better such as who fought who, how many, who won, when was it, was it part of a particular war, etc?
Mawg's user avatar
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1918 Bureau of Transportation Statistics North American Transportation Atlas Data?

In 2008 User:NE2 on wikipedia added a bunch of train routes from 1918 to wikipedia:,...
neubert's user avatar
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5 votes
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GIS data for Castles - UK, Europe also nice

I am looking for data on castles, preferably UK, although I won't object if it extends to Europe. Must be mappable, so lat/long is necessary. Any data beyond that is a bonus. E.g date of con/de-...
Mawg's user avatar
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2 answers

Covid 19 regionalized historical hospitalization data for european countries

I am looking for the regionalized historical covid 19 data for western european countries, especially the number of hospitalization. By regionalized, I mean for each subdivision of a given country (...
Luke Skywalker's user avatar
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Get all historical data for a specific stock?

On Yahoo Finance, you don't seem to be able to get any data earlier than from January second 1962, and from Google Finance, the corresponding date is December nineteenth 1980. However, General ...
HelloGoodbye's user avatar
4 votes
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Is there dataset of historical geocoordinates of ancient cities and places?

Is there a freely available dataset (csv, geojson, topojson, etc.) with geocoordinates (latitude, longitude) of ancient and tombs, for example of the towt? Ideally with additional information like ...
Mohmmed kamel's user avatar
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Where can I find old global road maps?

I am looking for some old global road maps (anytime before 1990 or 2000). Does anyone have any suggestions where I can find such data?
Nazanin's user avatar
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4 answers

Seeking River Thames polygon data

I'm having trouble finding data on the River Thames, specifically in the greater London, UK area. I am trying to georeference and digitize a map of the 1666 fire of London for my final project in my ...
user avatar
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Where can I get a JSON or CSV file with the average Bitcoin USD value for each day since it was announced? [duplicate]

I've just spent several days downloading and loading in what turned out to be 10+ GB of garbage data. All I wanted was to know the current USD (average) market value for each day (not minute/hour) ...
coinfreak's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

free REST API for daily end-of-day S&P 500 index

I am looking for a free API to retrieve the daily end-of-day S&P 500 index for the past year. There are plenty of APIs which provide the individual stocks, but the indices are not for free. There ...
lars20070's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Shapefiles of the Great Wall of China and the Silk Road

I am looking for shapefiles of two Chinese landmarks. Great Wall of China. Format: spatial lines. The sources mentioned in another post are apparently not available anymore. Silk Road. Format: ...
user's user avatar
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Is there an application or plugin for OSMAnd to retrieve trail signage and information?

Is the information written on trail signs publicly available in a central place so that when I am out hiking or biking on a trail and come across a sign, I could get the same information on my phone ...
Walter's user avatar
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Source for U.S. government reports 1900-1950?

I am researching the history of the motion picture industry and seeking U.S. government reports and documents from major departments (especially Commerce, State) for the period of 1900-1950. I'm ...
ted.strauss's user avatar
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Natural history / paleontology / geology dates

I am looking for a comprehensive dataset of natural history dates, for a deep interactive timeline. I'm interested in the dates of fossils, geological eras, estimated times for the apparition of ...
alotropico's user avatar
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Searching downloadable ADS-B database

I'm looking for a downloadable ADS-B historical database preferably with a free option, like the one that OpenSky-Network offers. To my knowledge, unfortunately, the OpenSky-Network database doesn't ...
Yazfan's user avatar
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Is there some kind of public, open, free, reliable database containing all "product release dates"?

I wish I could look up, locally, without ever making an external request, the release dates (for each region/country) for "any commercially sold product ever". For example, I could do: ...
Fonza's user avatar
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Is there any place I can download historical traffic data?

Looking for historical traffic data, if possible in a GIS format. Looking for the country of India, if not anything larger. I know that's big but that's the scope of our study, so yeah. Any kind of ...
Nakul's user avatar
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historical pandemics and deaths dataset

I'm looking for Historical Epidemic & Pandemic Datasets to Analyze the spread of these infectious diseases, deaths, crisis etc.,
Orophile's user avatar
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GIS Data: French Colonial Cercles

Cercles and districts were administrative units in French colonial Africa. I am looking for GIS data on their boundaries. Hints on where to find adequate digitizable historic maps on those ...
user's user avatar
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County-level data on religious affiliation and church attendance in US 1940-1960

Is there any county-level (or similar) data on religious affiliation and church attendance in the United States from 1940s-1960s?
ljb2222's user avatar
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Historical data of what country a city belongs to over a historical period?

We run a sports history site and occasionally we run into issues where a person was born in Prague, but in 1887, and we wish to display the correct country at the time of their birth rather than at ...
Sean's user avatar
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Looking for “old” Parish & County Boundary Data set for Queensland, Australia

The latest datasets from QSpatial no longer contain the Parish & County info. It is no longer used in Queensland. I am doing some research into historical mining activities and this dataset would ...
Markzu's user avatar
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Monthly Gold and Oil prices going back to 1920s

I am trying to find Monthly prices or returns for Gold and Oil going back in time until 1920s. Yearly data is available, but I wanted to check if someone has come across monthly time series too.
Maddy's user avatar
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Seeking country boundaries shapefile which is pre-1980?

I am looking for a shapefile with the country boundaries as they were when Czechoslovakia existed as a country. Is there any online open source resource where I can find historical country boundary ...
user avatar
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Ice Age Glaciers Question

I am looking to find GIS data about the Ice age glacier's history around the Russia and Alaska area aka the Beringia Sea ... Not sure how to find them but does anyone here have the information on that ...
PROBERT's user avatar
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Global Historic GIS Data

This is a basic question concerning data availability. I am looking for global historic geo-spatial data covering the past 2,000 or 3,000 years. Variables of interest are biomes, temperature, ...
user's user avatar
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Seeking historical tileset 1939-1945?

I want a Mapbox tileset that shows the world as it was during the Second World War. This includes the boundaries of countries, roads and cities and their names, etc. If no such resource exists, I ...
peterlawless's user avatar
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Typical Weather Averages by Lon/Lat

I would like to build a local dataset of monthly averages for rainfall, sunshine hours, temperate (C/F) for all the major cities of the world. I have all the lon/lat's stored for all the cities I ...
dhj's user avatar
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Childlessness rate by country

Does anyone know where I can find a table or map of the childlessness rate by country for both men and women? Historical comparison of data would also be desirable.
Joselin Jocklingson's user avatar
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Where can I find historical rainfall and temperature data for individual weather stations in the US?

I'm reading a journal paper that uses historical rainfall and temperature data for the United States, starting in 1900. The paper says The [National Weather Service Cooperative] COOP Network ...
Michael A's user avatar
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Historical data of languages spoken in country by percent population?

I am looking for a dataset that contains the languages spoken in each country and their respective percentages of the population, going back as far back into the historical record as possible. I ...
Jeremy Dohmann's user avatar
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Is there a dataset for historical US towns and roads?

I need to map US settlements/towns/cities from colonial times through roughly 1900, for example Bath, NC founded 1705 at lat/lon. The minimal data I'm looking for would contain: Name of town or ...
Eric McNeill's user avatar
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Historical international US phone calls prices by country and year

Is there any dataset of historical international US phone calls prices by country and year (likely since 1946)?
Caserio's user avatar
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Historical Walmart Stores Data set

I'm trying to capture a historical list of Wal-mart stores. I need store ID, store name, longitude, latitutde, address, city, state, zip, services, store opening date, and store closing date (if the ...
Doug Conrad's user avatar
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Per capita surface area for (car) transport since WWII

It is an obvious phenomenon that the surface area each person 'requires' for transport has been increasing over the past decades (with growing wealth), because we have more cars. I'm interested in ...
user avatar
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Seeking GIS data (points) for the Giza pyramids including Z-value for the tops of pyramids

I am not even sure if this data is publicly available or not, but I am looking for something like this that has been surveyed with a z value (don't care what vertical datum). It doesn't matter the ...
Jay Cummins's user avatar