From https://www.20minutes.fr/societe/langue_francaise/4081194-20240402-combien-mots-existe-langue-francaise:

selon les Immortels, le jargon des chimistes compterait plus de 100.000 mots rien que pour les matières colorantes.

Google Translate:

according to the Immortals, the jargon of chemists counts more than 100,000 words just for coloring materials.

Where can I find that list of 100,000+ words for coloring materials?

  • I guess you might be more successful if you ask it on chemistry.stackexchange.com, as the question is very domain-specific. Maybe the claim is incorrect in the first place, or is just some sort of estimation without a list actually existing, and I think that you'll be more likely to have chemists addressing that on chemisty.SE.
    – J-J-J
    Commented May 4 at 16:42
  • Thank you, noted! Commented Aug 19 at 19:51


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