Looks like the device end point for adverse events is not returning latest data or I'm missing something.
As on today (Sept 16th) when I trigger the below endpoint: https://api.fda.gov/device/event.json?search=date_received:[20200801+TO+20200831]&limit=1000
{ "error": { "code": "NOT_FOUND", "message": "No matches found!" } }
However when I try the same via the website, we can see 500 records. Refer image below for the filters Used while doing the search.
Sample Result: https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfmaude/detail.cfm?mdrfoi__id=10475104&pc=QBJ
Can someone help me understand what is happening here pls ? Thanks in Advance.