Are there a free banknotes database. By saying banknotes database I mean database of all world currencies banknotes values.
For example for the US Dollar values are
$100, $50, $20, $10, $5, $1, 50c, ...
Are there a free banknotes database. By saying banknotes database I mean database of all world currencies banknotes values.
For example for the US Dollar values are
$100, $50, $20, $10, $5, $1, 50c, ...
The data you're looking for seems to be available here: though not in a machine readable format. Yet this is a list where each entry is a link to the information you care for. So if you are familiar with any scripting/programming language, you should be able to crawl this site easily and extract that info.
I started a basic scrape of the website in this answer.
Python 2.7 code:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import requests # getting webpages
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup # parsing HTML
def main():
url = ''
s = requests.Session()
page = s.get(url).text.encode('utf-8') # download main html
soup = BeautifulSoup(page) # parse main html
suburl_list = get_href(soup) # function call to get http links in html page
suburl_list = list(set([x for x in suburl_list if 'currency' in x])) # get unique urls that have certain string
with open('output.tsv','wb') as output:
for suburl in suburl_list: # for each url found on the main page
subpage = s.get(suburl).text.encode('utf-8') # download that html
subsoup = BeautifulSoup(subpage.decode('utf-8','ignore')) # run it through the parser
print suburl.encode('utf-8')
text = subsoup.getText().split('CURRENCY:')[1].split('US DOLLAR ACCEPTED')[0].split('CREDIT')[0].split('CURRENCY')[0].split('TRAVELLER')[0] # parse the HTML
text = subsoup.getText() # didn't work
text = text.replace('DENOMINATIONS:','\t')
output.write((suburl+'\t'+text+'\n').encode('utf-8')) # write tab-separated file as output
def get_href(soup):
suburl_list = []
for anchor in soup.findAll('a', href=True):
return suburl_list
if __name__ == "__main__":
main() # run the whole thing
It doesn't work very well, and the encoding is messed up.
You can find the output here. I had to do some manual post-processing. You'll see that the output is unstructured, with lots of custom notes, some currencies doesn't have coins, etc...
Next Step: it would be really cool if someone would take this messy file and fill in the blanks (for a few non-resolved URLs - see Vietnam), and put the data into a decent, machine readable format. Then publish as a github repo so we can all contribute.