The USAID website has a Development Data Library Submission Form

For the program code field: is this associated with the award funding the creation of the data set or is this related to the specific data set?

1 Answer 1


Our apologies for the delay. We are updating our settings here and will strive to respond within 48 hours to future inquiries. Per Project Open Data, the individual metadata fields correspond to the specific "data asset" (or dataset) which you are describing.

A single USAID award could generate data corresponding to every single program code. Therefore using the program code to refer to an entire award would be of little value.

  • thanks. so the specific program code is up to the discretion of the implementing partner/AOR/COR to determine? Commented May 15, 2015 at 20:59
  • StackExchange says my response must be 30 characters, when the most appropriate response is simply "yes."
    – bpushed
    Commented May 15, 2015 at 21:16

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