I am engaged in a project, Climate Resilient Ecosystem and Livelihood, where we generated and/or compiled various spatial data (satellite images, ArcGIS featureclasses, spreadhseets, static maps, etc.) related to protected areas of Bangladesh. As a USAID requirement, we need to submit these data to a DDL system.
I have submitted this form and created an account with USAID. I see the DDL space allows users to upload files. I've been looking for guidance on spatial data standards and found out that they must be in a non-proprietary format. I've also been able to find some data that are public; this data contains CSVs and accompanying PDFs as documentation.
I would like to know specific guidance for spatial data and metadata standards for USAID. An example folder would be helpful, like those found alongside the CSV data in the Sample DDL folder.
I am stumbling on where from to start. I found another DDL folder that I think is spatial data related work where from I might get the direction but it is restricted see here.
Has anyone worked with the USAID DDL system for spatial data before?