Is Cynthia Wessell's dictionary of affect available as an open dataset? Looks like a it's closed-source executable (and $175) on the official website.

2 Answers 2


Well, you picked a very commercial word list so even 'finding' a copy of the dataset could lead to legal problems or results you can't publish.

But, to get a taste, there is a web-app that I found after chasing down some broken links. It's apparently endorsed by Cynthia herself. Check it out here.

Now, interestingly, the creator of that site posts a link to more info.

And, in that more info section is a URL that may help you greatly:

dead link http://compling.org/cgi-bin/DAL_sentence_xml.cgi?sentence=This+is+a+great+web+app

replacement? https://sail.usc.edu/dal_app.php

So, there you have it, a web interface to the DAL without having the DAL itself. For a sentence in the URL with words separated by a '+' sign, you get in return XML:

    <measure type="DAL" valence="1.7500" activation="1.3333" imagery="1.0"/>
    <measure type="DAL" valence="1.8889" activation="1.1818" imagery="1.0"/>   
    <measure type="DAL" valence="2.0000" activation="1.3846" imagery="1.0"/>
   <emotion><measure type="DAL" valence="2.6250" activation="2.1250" imagery="1.0"/>
    <measure type="DAL" valence="1.7778" activation="1.8750" imagery="2.8"/>
     <measure type="DAL" valence="" activation="" imagery=""/>
  • 1
    unfortunately this web based service doesn't work anymore..
    – talha06
    Commented Sep 19, 2015 at 10:43

A new source of the DAL seems to be online

PDF Readme:


and the dictionary (txt format)


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