I'm looking for road traffic data (e.g. average road traffic by day) or congestion data for German cities or other spatial units (e.g. a certain road or highway). What would be important to me is, that there is some differentiation by time and spatial units (e.g. by day, week, month in city x or at road y). I'm not interested in highly aggregated figures such as annual averages. Ideally, I would look for (more or less live) data from traffic counts at some fixed points over time.
I know that there are automated counting stations operated by BASt, but I can only find data up to 2018 (and in not very useful format). There is also hourly information by road, but again only until 2018 as of today.
There also is an old question in the forum (from 2016) with a similar topic, but the answer is outdated.
Can anyone point me to some resources?