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Questions tagged [germany]

For questions about data related to the European country of Germany.

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German federal budget data for 2018 - 2024?

Can anyone point me to data on the German federal budget for 2018 - 2024, downloadable .csv or .xml files ? has bar ...
denis's user avatar
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Advice on Real Estate Database for Comparative Analysis in Berlin

I am currently working on my thesis, which involves conducting a comparative analysis of machine learning methods for predicting the sale velocities in the real estate industry of Berlin. To achieve ...
Marco Di Giacomo's user avatar
2 votes
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river network of germany

I am looking for any gis file of the river network of Germany or at least Bavaria with some kind of attribute of the order / level of the river to style them according of their "order". ...
user16032's user avatar
  • 123
3 votes
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Download Environmental Geodata for Germany (SHP, KML, WMS, WFS, etc.)

I'm having trouble finding environmental QGIS layers for Germany. I managed to find the main ones for all the country, such as Biosphere Reserves, National Parks, Natura 2k sites, etc., but I can't ...
user33389's user avatar
2 votes
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Socioeconomic free geodata?

Where can I find free socioeconomic geodata to download for Germany? Any helpful websites tat provide data in shp or tif format?
Nina La's user avatar
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3 answers

Weather Conditions for Remagen , Germany in spring of 1945

What were the daily weather conditions for Remagen, Germany from April 28, 1945 to May 28, 1945?
Roger's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Hospital spendings on IT services and infrastructure

How much do hospitals in the EU spend on Software, IT-consulting and IT-infrastructure (servers and such)? How much in individual countries, Germany being of particular interest? This is what I tried: ...
user avatar
2 votes
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Dataset on the real speed of cars in German autobahns

I am looking for a dataset on the real speed of cars in German autobahns. This question was inspired by
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
0 votes
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Where can I find boundaries of all German voting districts in federal elections (since 1949)?

I am looking for shapefiles containing the boundaries of all voting districts in German federal elections, 1949-2021. I appreciate any pointers.
Financeguy's user avatar
1 vote
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Where can I find boundaries of all German voting districts in federal elections (since 1949)?

Where can I find shapefiles containing the boundaries of all voting districts in German federal elections, 1949-2021?
Financeguy's user avatar
0 votes
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Wind power generation in Germany (location, actual operation of turbines)

I'm looking for microdata on the location and actual operation of wind turbines in Germany. There is a similar question (see here), however it is from 2019 and links (e.g. to German plant listings) ...
Peter's user avatar
  • 206
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Germany Transmission Network

Is there any source to find the high voltage (110kV and above) substation and transmission network for Germany. I have tried contacting the Transmission System Operators but have only got generic ...
Robbie-G95's user avatar
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Seeking toutable file of German Road System

I am looking for a routable file of the German Road System in order to perform route calculation in QGIS, ArcGIS Desktop or even R Studio. Can someone help me out?
Anca's user avatar
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Seeking Geodata on German Roads

I am looking for a free datasource (or a possibility to extract that data from OpenStreetMap) on Germany`s roads. I need this data for the purpose of routing/ calculating the travel distance between ...
Anca's user avatar
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Searching for cooking/food ingredients in German

I am searching for data in German with the names of cooking ingredients. The example would be: Milch, Rindfleisch, Tomato, Mayonaisse, Knoblauch, Salz Nutrient factors (fat, calories) would be a plus, ...
lanenok's user avatar
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Data on road traffic in Germany [duplicate]

I'm looking for road traffic data (e.g. average road traffic by day) or congestion data for German cities or other spatial units (e.g. a certain road or highway). What would be important to me is, ...
Peter's user avatar
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API for German Air Quality Data

The German „Environmental Protection Agency“ (Umweltbundesamt) provides air quality data for Germany on its webpage and it is also possible to download data as CSV. However, as far as I know, there is ...
Peter's user avatar
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Complete Germany city database with cities, villages and regions

I am looking for a very detailed free or not free city database for Germany. I need information like state or village, region, latitude, and longitude, and population. I think Geonames is a bit messy ...
nnikolay's user avatar
  • 151
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Searching for a query-able nationwide data source of official german TK25 cartography numbers

I am looking for a single data source containing the so-called TK25 numbers, aka "Messtischblattnummern" (preferrably quarter-TK25). I want to intersect the TK25 data with vector data (e.g., a ...
aae's user avatar
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Datasets for emotion recognition in German dialogues

I am currently working on the topic of emotion recognition in German dialogues (Speech). So far I only managed to find a single dataset related to this topic: Berlin Database of Emotional Speech. Is ...
SuperKogito's user avatar
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Dataset for German domain names (.de)

I'm looking for a new DNS domain in Germany (.de) for a new service. It would be very helpful to search .de domains using wildcards (regular expressions), e.g. mysuperservice[0-9] mysuper-[a-z]+-...
WeSee's user avatar
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Is there any API, tool, websites that i can find how many German people moved to United States in recent 10 years?

I need to do geographical population analysis on how many German people recently moved to US and started to living there, especially to the California. I know US government has open data policy but so ...
ayberktecimer's user avatar
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Full address list for city Radebeul (Germany)

For a city of Radebeul, located in the federal state Saxony in Germany, I am looking for a list with all addresses, something like id | Street | Nr | PLZ | City 1 | Meißner Straße ...
Taras's user avatar
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Leipzig Districts and Parts of Districts in GIS-format

For a city of Leipzig (in Germany) I am looking for City Districts and Parts of City Districts in geospatial vector data format, that can be later loaded into GIS software, e.g. shapefiles, KML, ...
Taras's user avatar
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4 votes
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Age structure of German population; 1925 census, large cities

Anybody knows where I can find data about German census at the city level for the period 1925-1935? In particular, I am interested in the age structure of the population of the largest cities, the ...
PostDocing's user avatar
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Looking for 0.25x0.25 spatial resolution grid data for land surface temperature/precipitation

I used to work with UDEL grid estimate (look here) data where station values of monthly total raingage-measured precipitation (P) were interpolated to a 0.5 degree by 0.5 degree latitude/longitude ...
Hamilton's user avatar
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Boundary coordinates of the states/cities/provinces of germany

I am trying to create a leaflet application. I want state shapes of Germany for a use case of the application. Is there a source where I can get all the boundary coordinates for the states. If not, is ...
Dennish Jose's user avatar
5 votes
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traffic statistics by roads or parts of any German city

I'm looking for any traffic statistics by roads or parts of any German cities. I would like to use it for a QGIS-Workshop with students of Infrastructure-Science. Add: I found something at DeStatis: ...
MAP's user avatar
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Climate change projections for Europe/Germany

I am searching for climate projection data with the following criteria: covering Western/Central Europe (especially Germany), gridded data would be ideal monthly or at least seasonal (3-months) ...
erc's user avatar
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workday population data for germany

I'm currently looking for workday population data in shp or any other gis file formats. I have found many of population data all over the world but couldn't find the ones that have daytime population. ...
azusa's user avatar
  • 11
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Berlin, Germany building data set

I am working on building foot print comparison. I would like to know the open data sets available to compare. I found the OSM data from goefabrik:
Akarsh SEGGEMU's user avatar
3 votes
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Attacks on refugee homes in Germany

I'm trying to find reliable data on attacks on refugee homes in Germany/Poland in recent years. I know that there were several projects initiated to collect such data, however so far I can't find the ...
sheß's user avatar
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Historical (pre-war) data on cities and towns in Germany

What I do: I'm trying to find and merge city-level data from various time periods: ~1900, ~1930 and ~1990. I already have data on election outcomes, and a few related measures. What's difficult: ...
sheß's user avatar
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Need list of cities/municipalities of Germany along with population density

I need a list of cities/municipalities/towns/districts of Germany with their associated population density. Is there any free API providing that or a free database?
asaini's user avatar
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Where can one find reliable, canonical (geo) data for Germany PLZ (postal zip codes)?

Does anyone know please: Is there a reliable, "official" list of postal codes and cities (additional data like lat/long welcome) in Germany, available for download? At a minimum, I'm ...
limist's user avatar
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Murder rate by city/state in Germany?

I would like to know the murder rate by city/state in Germany. For example, in Berlin the murder rate per 100,000 people is 1.3, in Hamburg it is 0.9, etc etc... I don't mind if it is murder or ...
Blaszard's user avatar
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Median age by state/city in Germany?

I would like to get any data that show median age by city/state in Germany (in English). For example, in Berlin it is 42.4, in Munich it is 43.7, etc... It would also be better if I can get just the ...
Blaszard's user avatar
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Historic weather data for Germany in 1938

I am writing a book about my father, who was a Holocaust survivor. Does anyone know how I can find out what the weather was like in Bavaria, Germany (specifically, Weiden), on November 9-10, 1938 — ...
Peter's user avatar
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Is there any source to download German data set for crop disease incidences for last 20-50 years?

I am looking for the crop (especially grapes) disease incidence data set for Germany for the last 30 to 50 years, but I am not able to find it. Does anyone know of any data source?
Shekhar Sahu's user avatar
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German political party memberships, during 80s and 90s to

is there any chance of getting data on members of German political parties? In particular the "big ones". Anything starting from lists of Names to more structured data would be a great start. The ...
sheß's user avatar
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historical price data for Sdax Index

I am looking for historical price data in .csv or .txt format to download for the following financial instrument: Sdax Performance Index (It's a german smallcap indice in case you care) ISIN: ...
user54512's user avatar
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List of German local politicians

I am looking for a dataset/list of all mayors of German municipalities. In particular I am interested in smaller municipalities (<10'000 inhabitants). I care most about the following data Age ...
sheß's user avatar
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German municipality-level data (Gemeinde) on demographics

I'm trying to find comprehensive Gemeinde-level data for small (<10'000 inh.) municipalities in all of Germany. The (joint-)distribution or at least some summary shares of the following ...
sheß's user avatar
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Microdata from the German Census

I am looking for open German census data at the micro or census block level. I am particularly interested in economic/health/educational outcomes. However, I cannot find any in English. Is this open ...
LJB's user avatar
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Has there been a spike in the birth rate in Germany?

About 40 weeks ago Germany won the FIFA World Cup. At the time I thought there would be a noticeable jump in the Birth Rate there. I've been searching for current information but I can only find ...
Ben Plont's user avatar
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11 votes
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1945 (spring) daily weather Germany

Perhaps understandably, I am having difficulty tracking down daily weather data for Germany in early 1945. My specific interest is in daily temps and any other daily weather observations for January ...
Trevanion's user avatar
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How do I find out if a given movie is available in Germany?

Is it possible to check if a given movie, identified by its title or IMDb id, was either a) screened in German film theaters, b) shown on German TV, or c) distributed as DVD in Germany? So far I am ...
Karsten W.'s user avatar
6 votes
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People of public interest living in Germany

I am interested in a list of people of public interest living in Germany. The list should contain first name, last name, date of birth. People of public interest are celebrities, famous sportman/ -...
ee2Dev's user avatar
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9 votes
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Open company data for Germany?

OpenCorporates doesn't have data for German companies (yet?). Is there a source with open data for German companies?
the's user avatar
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Is it legal to make an open face recognition database of public people like celebrities?

This question came to my mind after sorting out some pictures and also having my picasa program at the same time open. So is it legal to make a face recognition database of public pictures from ...
therealmarv's user avatar