I am looking for an open database or spreadsheet containing the gps coordinates of pipelines the possibly plot on Google Earth?

4 Answers 4


You can find geospatial data about this on Data.gov (this links to gas pipelines, but you can look for other types of pipelines). To find the geographic region you are looking for, you can draw a boundary box over the map in the upper left.

(Disclaimer: I am the Evangelist for Data.gov)


In this project they use pipeline data. Maybe you can contact with them for more information.


Open Street Map has some pipeline data in the us, i.e. http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/1lo


The best available source is the National Pipeline Mapping System, but it is far from an open source.


The public map viewer is not in a database format, and restricts you to viewing one county at a time. You can get access to database and other geospatial formats outside of the public map viewer, but you must be a government official or pipeline contractor. If you fit into the latter category, the restrictions on the data you can receive are pretty strong. If you are a local government official, you can receive an unrestricted copy of the dataset for your county only (which means that you can have a local government official request that information and share it with you).


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