I am looking for a list of all airports in all countries in all Western languages. At least, in all EU languages in a CSV or tab-separated download.

Would appreciate any pointers


2 Answers 2


For a start try the OpenFlights Airports Database. It gives you a list of all airports in English. I don't know if you have any programming skills but from there you could try to use the translate module in python.

  • Create a file with only the names
  • Use the module for looping through the file and trough your desiered languages
  • Write the results in a list/directory and rewrite them into a file

You can use Overpass API to query Openstreetmap for airports:

/* select all airports, regardless of node, way or relation */
/* recurse down, so map displays something. */

Execute the query.

At least on international Airports, you can expect name:xx tags, where xx is a iso2 language code. Note that the language of name is in default langauge, spoken in the respective country.

Data Quality is as always, well, OSM-like.

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