Is it possible to have custom dataset categories appear in the side bar of the 'datasets' tab in CKAN 2.2?

HealthData.gov appears to have these categories, but most examples I see have the default Organizations, Groups, Tags, etc categories. Glasgow's data portal is one such example. Is it possible to configure this, and how might one go about it?

  • I believe part of this might have to do with the fact that HealthData.gov "is based on Drupal 7 (for www.healthdata.gov) and CKAN 1.7 (for hub.healthdata.gov). We wrote several custom modules to pass data back and forth between Drupal and CKAN." -- from healthdata.gov/source-code. Unfortunately, the site mentions having code and mysql db dump published soon but the site is a few years old now. I would suggest asking the nice folks in #ckan on freenode IRC about how to add a custom facet to the sidebar. Commented Jan 23, 2015 at 0:46

1 Answer 1


The filters on the search page sidebar can be configured implementing the IFacets interface from your own extension (you'll need to write some code for that).

For instance, these ones are defined like this:


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