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Questions tagged [ckan]

The Comprehensive Knowledge Archive Network is an open source product from the Open Knowledge Foundation that provides data catalog capabilities.

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Making CKAN Postgres DB permanent on Cloud

We're working on deploying CKAN on Cloud using this docker-compose network. We're not storing any datasets but only publish URLs to data resources. We would like to stand up a permanent Postgres ...
Kasia Kulma's user avatar
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(How) can I use CKAN when data needs to be kept in place and only its data dictionary should be published?

Context I am investigating how I can set-up a data management system for a department of 100+ colleagues. Many of our datasets are stored (scattered is a better word) on different network drives, ...
Saaru Lindestøkke's user avatar
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datapusher log shows `403 Forbidden` error every-time, while `Updating` resource files in CKAN

I'm using ckan 2.7.2 (Docker), Whenever I try to update any resource file (via GUI), Ckan is throwing an error i.e. 403 forbidden and data could not successfully upload to the DataStore. Because of ...
e007's user avatar
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Download CKAN Revisions

Is there anyway to download revisions of data from a CKAN database? I have been able to retrieve a revision list, but it seems as though there is no way to download individual revisions. Here is the ...
Ratty's user avatar
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package_search query parameters includes both keywords and tags

When I queried a data catalog using GUI it fetched 42 records. I wanted to implement the ...
soms's user avatar
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While running ckan container, memory is increasing rapidly mainly because of `ckan_default` process

While I'm running Ckan container, memory is increasing rapidly mainly because of ckan_default process. Is there any way to limit the memory for ckan_default process? If yes, where it should be ...
e007's user avatar
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How to access data from using API's?

I am new to APIs and am having problems in accessing data from I have successfully used the below code to search my dataset of interest, but can't figure out how I can fetch the data ...
Shishir Kumar's user avatar
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CKAN : ValueError: VDM only works with SQLAlchemy versions 0.4 through 0.9, not: 1.1.2

Do I need to upgrade the package vdm to make it compatible with sqlalchemy version greater then 0.9? This is a CKAN question.
Arnav's user avatar
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CKAN Hierarchy extension breaks the home page

I've installed CKAN from package on Ubuntu 16.04.5, following the documentation I've installed the scheming extension ...
Graeme's user avatar
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Not able to view private datasets in CKAN using Nginx

I have installed CKAN v2.7.2(served under HTTPs using Apache web server),Nginx using docker. The task I am doing requires me to mount ckan on /ckan mount point, thus have added ckan.root_path = /ckan/...
argg's user avatar
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Solr not working while running CKAN over HTTPs using nginx and apache

I am running CKAN v2.7.2 over HTTPs using Apache and have configured Nginx-reverse proxy to access CKAN.Thus,I am accessing CKAN using Nginx only. All the three components (CKAN,Apache,Nginx are ...
argg's user avatar
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Alternation ("OR") searching

This seems like a trivial thing, but I can't seem to get basic alternation when searching for databases, eg. crime OR court. I briefly looked at the API to see if there was a way to do it through that,...
sondra.kinsey's user avatar
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How can we install CKAN on Windows using IDE?

I wanted to install CKAN using IDE such as Eclipse+ Pydev on Windows. Is there any documentation/Steps for the same ? How will we connect Apache Solr and PostgreSQL when using Eclipse + Pydev IDE ? ...
Arnav's user avatar
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Can I use another database instead of PostgreSQL in CKAN?

After visiting the official documentation of CKAN, I was unable to find why are we using a PostgreSQL database in CKAN from its inception. Is there any way to use another database with CKAN?
Arnav's user avatar
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What CKAN integration/plugins are available for connecting to Hortonworks/HDFS/etc.?

I'm curious as to what options are available for integrating CKAN with external data sources as well as external data catalogs specifically as it relates to: Hortonworks / Cloudera / Hadoop / HDFS / ...
firefly2442's user avatar
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What kind of sources can integrate CKAN?

I would like to use CKAN in my company but firts I have some questions to solve yet. For example: What kind of sources can integrate CKAN? I explain myself firts. If my company has its data ...
Adrian Luque Montoya's user avatar
4 votes
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Are the API keys on considered sensitive?

To access the US public datasets, you need a CKAN API key. Should I consider this sensitive information, e.g. can anyone having my API key 'misuse' it so that it causes me harm, directly or ...
user avatar
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Open Data platform from scratch [closed]

I am doing research on how to build an open data platform with a web portal and a REST interface without relying on a turnkey solution. I found different solutions: CKAN, Socrata, OpenDataSoft and ...
Quarky-Up's user avatar
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CKAN - Find and add tags to multiple datasets can this be done?

I want to add a tag "Water" to any dataset that includes data "agua" Can I use the API to search, find and update all datasets that contain the search string "agua" to add a tag "Water"
Rich Frazier's user avatar
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Versions of CKAN datasets and its resources

I am working on an analysis based on open data from a CKAN data store. For this analysis to be reproducible it obviously needs the exact same input dataset. I would hence like to make sure that a ...
Tim Tröndle's user avatar
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Official Help and Support on customising CKAN

Please, anyone knows how or where can I get quick support for issues I'm having with CKAN? I work for Argentinian Government and I'm in charge of launching a Open Data Portal for all the country ...
Gabriel Alganaraz's user avatar
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Is there a way to ask a CKAN repository only for changed datasets after a certain time?

I am trying to harvest several CKAN repositories for their metadata, using CKAN REST API. I wanted to only update the changed datasets (metadata only) in my repository, but I do not see a way to ...
Stefano Bocconi's user avatar
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CKAN Harvester Issues

I've been trying to set up a CKAN installation for use as a Caribbean open data portal for a few weeks now but I've been running into challenges when I try to set up the CKAN Harvester and import some ...
Nick Jaden Williams's user avatar
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Extract all data from ckan

I'm trying to export all data from CKAN instances for a big data project. How can I do this?
Mootaz's user avatar
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70 views CKAN API ignores row parameter, returns duplicate results for different search terms

Using the CKAN api, this search via the web GUI returns 566 results: children However, post requests via the CKAN API returns 10 results despite the row parameter being set and, incidentally,...
Kwame's user avatar
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139 views Action API Parameters Seem to be Ignored

When I hit the "package_search" action API at, 26564 results are currently returned: When I pass the "rows" ...
Dustin Oprea's user avatar
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Querying CKAN in Python using ckanapi

I used to query with ckanclient thusly: import ckanclient ckan = ckanclient.CkanClient('') search_params = { 'q': 'tags:"...
Rich Signell's user avatar
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CKAN - ckanext-scheming - Add dataset button

I've been following the instructions and the examples to configure ckanext-scheming extension (ckanext-scheming). I am able to access by URL to the different schemas (as the example shows) that I've ...
Jordi Piqueras's user avatar
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How to exclude datasets with no data on search? contain many datasets, but some of it marked This dataset has no data For example or ...
Y.N's user avatar
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CKAN exposing tables from a relational database

I am using CKAN 2.3 and I would like to compose datasets considering a specific schema from a relational database. Indeed, I would like to publish the list of any table into CKAN in order to show ...
Jordi Piqueras's user avatar
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Is there any way to get a package's resource's field names/datatypes with downloading the entire resource?

The CKAN <site>/api/3/action/package_show API provides a lot of metadata, but for tabular (row-column) resources I don't see any way to get the field names and datatypes other than by reading ...
Ed Staub's user avatar
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Installing GeoJSON preview plugin on CKAN

I've managed to stand up a CKAN instance, and would now like to preview GeoJSON data in CKAN. According to the ckanext-spatial documentation, I don't need to install the full ckanext-spatial package, ...
Charlie Lefrak's user avatar
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Custom Categories in CKAN

Is it possible to have custom dataset categories appear in the side bar of the 'datasets' tab in CKAN 2.2? appears to have these categories, but most examples I see have the default ...
Charlie Lefrak's user avatar
9 votes
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How do I get a full list of datasets available on Data.Gov using the CKAN API?

I'm fairly new to python, but I've been struggling to get anything more than ten results from a package_list request from Data.Gov's CKAN API. Here's what I'm using: response = urlopen('http://...
Ben's user avatar
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The organization_list CKAN API is not working

This file is supposed to be giving the JSON format of all the organizations present in as per the CKAN API documentation. However, that file gives an HTTP 400 (Bad request) error. Is there a ...
Ram's user avatar
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How to download all datasets from a CKAN instance using the API?

I've already tried ckanapi's dump datasets but it seems it only downloads the metadata. Is there a command that downloads the datasets referenced in the download_url field? I can script a download ...
R.K.'s user avatar
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Is it possible to use CKAN for commercial use?

Does anyone know if it's possible to use CKAN for commercial use?
Peter148's user avatar
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What is a good Python CKAN Tutorial?

Where can I find some resources to help me learn how to write Python to CKAN (in this instance repositories? I've had some signs of life from bits of code that I've found, but would ...
Ben Mayo's user avatar
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CKAN database scheme

I'm doing some research and I would like to learn how CKAN manages data, in particular, I would like to learn its database scheme. Do you know where I can find it?
Ilya Khadykin's user avatar
18 votes
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CKAN vs. Socrata

CKAN is sponsored by OKFN and runs, so what would be the benefits of switching to Socrata? Negatives? I'm partial to staying in line with OKFN, but I admit that its completely biased and I am ...
albert's user avatar
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Geospatial, temporal and keyword search using CKAN API on using ckanclient

Thanks to this answer , I can successfully use the python ckanclient package to search for "sea_water_temperature": import ckanclient q = 'tags:sea_water_temperature' ckan = ckanclient....
Rich Signell's user avatar
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2k views using CKAN API with python requests package

I'm not sure if this is a requests issue, a CKAN API issue, or a issue. I can do this GET query: import requests import json r = requests.get('
Rich Signell's user avatar
8 votes
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Difference(s) Between and CKAN is powered by CKAN, and as far as I can tell, seems like a watered down flavor, perhaps for a certain user base. The about page isn't very helpful..does anyone know the exact differences ...
albert's user avatar
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CKAN API questions

I'm looking to search and using the CKAN API for this. as a start I want to do a simple text search like this one for environmental data. some questions related to this: It appears that ...
Marten Hogeweg's user avatar
22 votes
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What does CKAN stand for and what does it do?

I have seen this acronym a lot on this website, but I don't know what it means! The main header of claims, "the world’s leading open-source data portal platform". What is a data portal ...
CaesiumFarmer's user avatar
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Restrict search to open datasets on CKAN's Data Hub?

The Data Hub, powered by CKAN, is an impressive collection of datasets available on the web. Currently it lists more than 6000 datasets — however, not all of them are available under an Open Data ...
Patrick Hoefler's user avatar
14 votes
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Cost of ownership - CKAN for city/local government or small federal agency

What is average cost/effort to launch CKAN instance and what are operational expenses to maintain it going forward? (Assuming small size government with limited IT resources)
Dmitry Kachaev's user avatar