Inspired by this question about whether a given stamp has been released or not.

Is there a publicly usable API (or RSS feed, or easily scrapable webpage) showing what postage stamps have been released by French postal service La Poste?

Preferably under a reuse-friendly license.

Details about the stamp would be appreciated:

  • Name
  • Price
  • Release date
  • Image
  • Dimensions, shape
  • Description

It is not so much about existing and past stamps, and more about being very up-to-date regarding new (and possibly future) releases.

1 Answer 1


The Universal Postal Union (UPU) keeps a database of issued stamps starting in 2002 (it does not go earlier). For France, you can find the stamps issued 2002-2014 here:


Copyright information from that website:

© Copyright UPU - WADP
The stamp designs are the property of their respective issuing postal authority.
The issuing postal authorities have allowed the reproduction of the stamps displayed on this website.

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