I have a set of protein targets. The absolute ideal return for these targets for me, would be a .tsv file that looks like this:
target_name fda_approved_drug
target1 drug1
target2 -
target3 drug2
target3 drug1
I was trying to link drug to target proteins with openFDA. I found the instructions to use OpenFDA here, but I can't work out if this is possible using this API?
I want to add in code to show an example what I was thinking, but I can't find it so my idea would be something like this: I have a list of UniProt IDs (I can convert if necessary), and then if I could write something like:
for i in list_of_targets; do: fda_api --target_protein i --drugs ;done >> list_of_drugs_and_targets
Is this possible? As a side note, I primarily code in python, I'm wondering if there's a pythonic way of doing this?