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16 votes
2 answers

The "right to mine" and scraping the web in EU

Sorry for the somewhat general question, to which the answers necessary depend on the country of operation and necessarily are also subject to become obsolete at some point. But I think it to be quite ...
puslet88's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

Scraping product image from eCommerce websites [closed]

What are the legal clauses associated with scraping images of products displayed on eCommerce websites (such as Home Depot, Walmart, Amazon, eBay etc)? The intention is to obtain meta-data from the ...
Jugesh Sundram's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Employer's website is "web scraping" from another site, can I be liable even though I did not write that code?

So recently I came about an article about web scraping, and it said how most of the time scraping is illegal. I did not know this in past, and did not know the website I was working on was using a ...
user2473033's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

What are the legal uses of the data from

What are the legal uses of this data? For example, could I design a non-for-profit service using this data, a for-profit application that I sell subscriptions to, or a spreadsheet that I use myself ...
Fernando's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Web crawling to create a business

If I were to web crawl supermarkets' websites and retrieve info and create a comparison tool for sale would that be illegal?
user3236's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Why and how are certain websites able to state in their terms of service that you can't crawl their data?

As an example, yelp and craigslist both have clauses in their terms of service that attempt to scare you away from trying to crawl/scrape their pages. Would they be able to legally prevent you from ...
mgoldwasser's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Do you know a technique for text mining judicial decisions?

I'm trying to find a method to mine sepecific informations in judicial decisions (judge's name, court, area of law and neutral citation number[canadian way to cite decisions uniformly across the ...
Rob Tremblay's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Is it legal to crawl research papers from ACM/IEEE?

I am working on a project that need me to grab lot of research papers abstracts, titles, authors and display it on a web site of my own. I chose to get list of research papers from DBLP and then ...
pbathala's user avatar
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