Where can I find a population longitudinal survey that would include the following data on the same individuals over a long period (5+ years, higher frequency is preferable)?
- Basic demographics (age, sex, marital status)
- Religious affiliation
- Geographical location (the higher resolution—the better; city-level is very good)
- Income and other economic data
I would be glad to hear suggestions that do not exactly fit this description.
As for the country, the US is preferable, but other countries are equally accepted.
At the moment, I've found the following ones:
- Association of Religion Data Archives (ARDA) (though I didn't yet find out which of the surveys fit my needs)
- Marital Instability over the Life Course
- Panel Study of Income Dynamics
- Labour Force Survey Five-Quarter Longitudinal Dataset, January 2012 - March 2013
There're much more, but maybe you could suggest the most suitable one?
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