I know this sounds more like a developer question, and more suitable for StackOverflow, but I'm hoping for a more theoretical answer because I'm completely new to APIs.

I'm trying to develop an Android application with Xamarin Studio. What I would like to do is display some data via an existing API (3taps) on the application's interface. It sounds pretty simple, but I have looked for C# / .NET tutorials all day and I can't find anything that doesn't start with creating the API first.

Can somebody please tell me what steps I need to take in order to do this? You can assume I know nothing about APIs, other than they allow you to access data.

1 Answer 1


I would suggest learning about what an API is from 'An Introduction to APIs' by Zapier and then some more specific information about consuming JSON APIs w/ .NET from 'Making JSON Web APIs with ASP.NET MVC 4 Beta and ASP.NET Web API'

Unirest is a simple HTTP request client to look into as well.

  • Thanks for the feedback @ Mark Silverberg. I'm looking into Unirest right now. It seems to work for this API on Mashape, but I don't know if the library is compatible with Xamarin. I don't see it as a NuGet package. Commented Jul 24, 2014 at 19:02
  • @Learnin2Code I am seeing Unirest on nuget at nuget.org/packages/Unirest-API/ . Unirest is compatible with any HTTP request based API, not just Mashape APIs. See github.com/Mashape/unirest-net for more details. Commented Jul 24, 2014 at 19:04
  • Thanks again Mark. Sorry, this is all new to me. It appears that I need to use the Package Manager Console to install this package, but Xamarin Studio does not currently have a Package Manager Console. Commented Jul 24, 2014 at 19:18
  • Oh wait I figured it out. I didn't have "include prereleased versions" checked. Awesome thank you Commented Jul 24, 2014 at 19:21

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