I'm trying to fetch not headlines but rather facts. I have no interest in reading any "opinions" or "articles".
I do not want to hear propaganda such as Thousands Fleeing Ukraine After Russia Attack
, but instead Russia fires 10-12 missiles toward Ukraine
with a timestamp attached to it, etc.
I hope I make myself clear. I've stopped reading any so-called "mainstream" since many years, but even the so-called "alternative" news are full of idiotic, unwanted "opinions" which I have no interest in wading through.
I've already gone through the phase of collecting "all sources", but it very quickly exhausts me. I don't want to manually scan through tons of "opinion" headlines. I just want cold, established facts with zero "feelings" or "spins" added. Just a feed of "events that happen". I imagine it to look something like this (these are completely made up "facts"):
Microsoft releases Windows 12
YouTube removes downvotes
Ukraine adopts Bitcoin as primary currency
Russia buys 10-15 containers of Bitcoin miners
USA elects John Doe as new president
Nintendo stops making hardware
And so on.
I have never been able to find any such thing anywhere. It always ends up with me having to add a million different keyword-based filters and then unwanted "opinions" still keep slipping through. Slashdot is a perfect example of something where 1% is actual news but 99% of it is propaganda/noise. It drives me insane to try to wade through headlines even with all my "automatic processing".
Is there really no such project run where they only report "what happened" rather than "how I am supposed to feel and think about it; here is my annoying and wrong opinion which I'm forcing down your throat"?