I've also found a fairly detailed dataset on github
This is quite exciting as it holds the following data
- Demography: age,sex
- Geographic: city, province, country, wuhan(0)_not_wuhan(1), latitude, longitude, geo_resolution, lives_in_Wuhan, location, country_new
- Dates: date_onset_symptoms, date_admission_hospital, date_confirmation, date_death_or_discharge, travel_history_dates
- Symptoms: symptoms
- Other disease: chronic_disease_binary, chronic_disease
- Exposure: travel_history_location, reported_market_exposure, travel_history_binary
- Outcome: outcome,
- Other: additional_information, source, sequence_available, notes_for_discussion, admin3, admin2, admin1, admin_id, data_moderator_initials
The downside, is that the data is of mixed quality, but it is critiqued by medical and data specialists. Some fields are completely left blank, but as a research source it could be a great place to start.
(This answer was moved from a more general question)