I am trying to build a query tool that takes a scanned barcode (NDC) and looks up the drug information in the openFDA. I have a package for Latanoprost Ophthalmic Solution with a package code of 2420846325, which I think translates to 24208-463-25. Using Postman with my api-key, I submit a GET such as: https://api.fda.gov/drug/ndc.json?api_key=&search=product_ndc:24208-463-25
However, this returns the product "Carvedilol" and not Latanoprost like I would expect.
When I use the Search page (https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cder/ndc/index.cfm), selecting the "NDC Code" type from the drop down menu and providing 24208-463-25 for the code, I get the results I was looking for. I do notice that the online query returns a product ndc value of 24208-463 which returns the correct result when I use it in my GET call.
I am hoping you can tell me if the package code is being ignored with the online tool and should I also drop that package code when I make my API calls?
Thank you for your help.