I was wondering if anyone has a lead on a corpus of geographic locations? City names and coordinate pairs would be ideal. I'm training a chatbot and I'd (ideally) like it to be able to pick up on locations in the chat and then display a map if requested. For example, if the words "I'm headed to Chicago" were typed, the chatbot could render a map of Chicago. Wishes and wants aside, if y'all do know of one or how I could make one, I'd appreciate it.
with any place name (use dots to separate commas, eg, chicago.il.us.weather.94y.info, although just chicago.weather.94y.info works too). My code is github.com/barrycarter/bcapps/blob/master/WEATHER/… and github.com/barrycarter/bcapps/blob/master/bc-cityfind.pl -- feel free to contact me directly for help (contact info in profile)