I'm trying to get population data from the 2000 Census at the block level for the state of Colorado. This can either be as a shapefile or as a table along with a shapefile containing the 2000 block geographies. Essentially I'm looking to create a shape file which has the block geography along with the population count of each block. These are available for the 2010 census (https://www2.census.gov/geo/tiger/TIGER2010BLKPOPHU/) but I haven't been able to find them for the 2000 census. I've tried getting the information through some combination of American FactFinder and Tiger but I haven't had any luck.
2 Answers
Give census_area
a try.
Your query would be something like
from census_area import Census
c = Census("MY_API_KEY")
blocks = c.sf1.geo_block(('NAME', 'B25034_010E'), year=2000, colorado_geojson['geometry'])
It stiches together data from the Census API and Census ESRI servers. (I am an author of census_area
If you know your way around R, the tigris package should work. You can use it to pull the shapefiles for 2000, which should also contain population.
I do know my way around R but it appears the tigris package is just for the tiger polygons and doesn't include population information. Commented Nov 9, 2017 at 23:41
summary file 1
if you can't find it elsewhere